
Sermon Notes

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
- Romans 12:1

Table Group Resources


What was your biggest Time Change disaster - Fall or Spring? (Don’t forget: Spring Forward on March 13!)

Neighborly - Daily Devotional

To get the Daily Devotionals delivered to you every morning, text ‘dailydevotional’ to 97000.

  1. In Pastor Ken’s 2/28/22 entry, Prepare the Way, he shares that John the Baptist prepared the way for the coming of Christ in this way: “He [Jesus] must become greater, I must become less.”(John 3:30) What would it look like to “become less” in your relationship with Jesus? How could this practice benefit your relationships?

  2. In Pastor Harry’s, 3/1/22 entry, Soap, he points out the problem with only cleaning the outside, while the inside is still dirty. As a script-flipper, Jesus’ kind of cleansing happens from the inside - out. Why does this matter? In what ways have you been a white-washed tomb? What would your outside look like if you cooperated with the Holy Spirit’s washing of the inside?

Sermon Questions

Scriptures: Romans 12:1

  1. What impacted or challenged you in today’s message?

  2. What motivates you to get involved in church life? How does what you do (or don’t feel like doing) for the 60 minutes set a powerful rhythm for the other 10,020 minutes of your week?

  3. When given the option, why don’t we choose to worship God? What is worshiping God about, and why does the Apostle Paul “urge” us to do so (vs the command of the Old Testament)?

  4. Why does Paul say that living sacrifices are holy and pleasing to God? How does the Gospel replace the old sacrificial system?

  1. Why does God’s Word caution us about worshiping idols? How does idol worship affect us and our relationships with God and others?

  2. What is that idol (money, sex, power, or something else) that you will declare war against, so that you can live a new life in Christ? How will you sacrifice it and declare it dead?

  3. What does the way you worship God look like to your family? What idols in your family need to die so that Jesus is first?

Go Deeper

Pastor Jared says that everyone - Christian or not - has something in their life that they will worship. We were made to worship. But God’s Word makes it very clear Who is to receive our true worship. And He wants us to tear down those false idols and replace them with Him. So how do we do that?

  • Read Exodus 32:1-14.

  • What does this account show you about the dangers of idol worship?

  • What was breaking down among the Israelites?

  • What were they hoping for in the Golden Calf?

  • How might you identify with the actions of the Israelites?

  • What does this passage tell you about grace, forgiveness and repentance in your own life?

  • How would you craft a prayer to ask God to help you slay the destructive idols in your life? (Use Matthew 19:26 as a guide.)

  • Seek to understand who God is, as revealed by His Word. Find Scriptures that say what God will provide, and then write down where you will no longer seek it. Try 2 Corinthians 1:3-4; Matthew 11:28–30; Psalm 16:2, 11 to start.

  • Actively work to live in a new life in Christ. How can Ephesians 6:10-18 and Galatians 5:16-17, 22-25 help? What other Scripture can you arm yourself with?


  • Good Neighbor Day is coming up Saturday, March 26! Register online or in app.


Give thanks for the outpouring of financial support given this weekend to provide food, blankets, and supplies to Ukrainian churches. God can do immeasurable things beyond what we can do, so ask Him to multiply these gifts and to arrange safe distribution where it is needed most. Be praying for God to reveal more ways we can be of help during this crisis. Updates: https://thechurchrb.org/ukraine


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