20/30s Community
Let’s Get Together
Monthly Thursday Nights | 6 - 8 PM
Our 20s and 30s are years of building. You may be paving the way for your career, raising a family, building financial stability, or following a dream. Because this season demands so much from you, we want to create space for circles of influence and support to form relationships that go beyond a monthly gathering.
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We spend the first 45 minutes to an hour eating dinner together. After dinner, we spend time in musical worship, followed by 15 - 20 minutes in God's Word shared by one of our leaders. We often close our time together in one more song of worship in response.
We meet once a month at a church member or leader's home on a Thursday evening. In addition to our monthly gatherings, we have seasonal events that our 20/30s community is always encouraged and invited to attend!
See upcoming events - This will go to Calendar Page
A friend, an appetite, your Bible, and a smile.
If you aren't already, follow The Church at RB Instagram to stay updated. Then sign up for our email list. We promise to only email you with important information about when the next gathering is and what you need to know about it.