Motherhood is complicated.
Mom friends help.
We have a new name, but the same mission. The MomCo (short for mom community, formerly “MOPS”) is a great place to meet other moms, be encouraged, learn, laugh, even cry and know that you (and your kids) are perfectly normal!
We are on a mission to celebrate motherhood. We serve pregnant moms through moms of school-aged kids.
Discussions will be tailored to the different groups, meeting the needs of moms in different stages of parenting. Come be a part of a circle of women who love each other like family, because raising humans is beautiful and hard, and having each other to lean on is life-giving.
MomCo meeting activities include (but are not limited to) guest speakers, videos, creative activities and icebreakers, small group discussions, Moms Nights Out, playdates and fellowship.
Our childcare policy is that every registered participant will complete a Livescan at the church's expense and is open to covering childcare if the need arises.
Monthly Meetups: 1st & 3rd Monday mornings, 9-11am
Upcoming Season: Sept 16, 2024 - May 19, 2025
Location: Garden Room at The Church at RB | 11740 Bernardo Plaza Ct., San Diego, CA 92128
If registration is full on the website, please email us at momco@thechurchrb.org to get on the waiting list!
Registration Costs: Moms join at the same rate regardless of registration date. Children register for either full year, or half a year regardless of registration date. We're sorry but we are not offering prorated registration fees. Partial refunds available on case by case basis.
Upcoming Dates
September 16 from 9 - 11 AM
October 7 from 9 - 11 AM
October 21 from 9 - 11 AM
Register Today
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We are The Mom Community —MomCo for short.
You can read more about MomCo on their website: www.themom.co.
MomCo is a non-profit organization that encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus and in partnership with the local church.
MomCo — then, simply known as MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)—was founded in 1973 when seven women in Colorado invited moms to meet regularly to grow together as women, parents, and leaders, with the ultimate goal of reaching women with the hope of Jesus. Today, the small gathering they called MOPS now extends to 101+ countries, 25 languages, 72,000+ meetings a year and influences over a million moms annually.
Nope, and definitely not! You can start coming at any point in the year, and you can skip a meeting, anytime. Life happens. We get it. However, if you do pay for the whole semester or the entire year, those fees are nonrefundable, as is your MomCo International fee. We do think you’ll love it so much that you won’t want to miss out on our first meeting, or last meeting, or any meetings in between.
Our local MomCo group is open to women of any age from when they’re pregnant with their first child until their youngest turns 18! While MomCo is a faith-based organization, our group is open to women from any religious background.
Yes, your children are welcome at MomCo! Our kind, background-checked KidsCo volunteers will make sure your children are well cared for. Those past the baby stage will enjoy a snack and simple activities such as singing, doing crafts, playing in the playroom.
If your child ends up needing you during our meeting time, one of our wonderful KidCo staff will come and let you know.
You’ll be greeted at the door by our helpers, who will welcome you and give you a name tag. While your kids are enjoying friend time, you will too! You’ll walk into the meeting space and check in at the registration table, where you’ll see nicely decorated tables to sit at and enjoy a cup of hot coffee without interruption and chat with other moms.
We always have a great breakfast buffet and hot coffee.
We get to hear all different kinds of speakers present on a topic that relates to our stage of life.
Most weeks, we divide into discussion groups, where we can get to know other moms on a more personal level and discuss what we are learning and how we’re growing. Quarterly, we also get to do a fun craft—without any little helping hands!
At the end of our time, we’re dismissed to go pick up our kids and hear about the fun they’ve had, see their crafts, and leave refreshed and ready to embrace our crazy lives with renewed joy!
Absolutely! If your child is under 6 months old, you’re welcome to keep him or her with you. MomCo is a nursing-friendly environment, and many moms wear their babies or let them play on the floor. Many of our mentor moms whose kids are past the baby stage are often eager to help you have some hands-free time, if you would like!
We schedule play dates on non-MomCo weeks and have Mom’s Night Out activities in the evenings, about once a month.