As Normal As Weird Can Be
Practical Insights to Make Life (Somewhat) Normal
Raise Your EQ
Have you ever been enraged when someone cuts you off on the freeway? Or have you been happy one minute and then totally down in the dumps the next? Do you feel like you can’t cry at work or in front of people? Have you ever just completely lost it in front of your kids and then felt guilty afterwards? We’ve all been there.We all need to get smarter about our inner world of feelings. It’s time to level up so we can be truly successful in our relationships, and no longer be controlled and manipulated because we’re not emotionally aware. If you want to change, you can. If you want to grow, you can. If you want a high EQ. You can. In this series, you’re going to become emotionally strong. Emotionally smart. Emotionally strategic. You don’t have to live in a constant state of stress or feel like your emotions are hijacking your life.

How To Stop Emotional Drama & Get What You Really Want
What does an emotionally healthy conversation look like? Having a high EQ means developing the ability to navigate our feelings well and address conflict in a meaningful and productive way. Check out this EQ episode for a playbook for having an emotionally intelligent conversation.

This Ted Lasso Saying Is Emotional Gold!
When you get sad or angry, do you also judge yourself for feeling that way? What would happen to your emotional health if, when an emotion hits, you were curious instead of judgmental? Check out this EQ episode for some tips on how experimenting can change your emotional trajectory.

How To Instantly Read Your Emotional Temperature
Part of building your EQ is getting smart about what's happening on the inside of you. Sure you may look calm and collected on the outside, but how do you really feel on the inside? On This episode of EQ, Mike Foster gives us tools to recognize the emotions you are having and deal with them in a practical manner.

Why Do I Feel So Tired All The Time?
"Why am I tired all the time?" If you've ever asked yourself that question, you need to watch this episode. Learn how to replace anxiety with excitement, so you can fight back against pervasive exhaustion and move toward things that bring you joy.

How To Grade Your Emotional Intelligence
Ever let your emotions get the better of you? We’ve all been there. Mike Foster is back with EQ, an all-new midweek series to teach us how to get smart with our emotions. Learn the three areas that make up your emotional IQ, and get clarity on your inner world. It’s time to level up, so we can be successful in our relationships, families, and at work.
Ready for more?
Learn the tools you need to become a courageous communicator. Our digital series, Say it Stronger, is available to give you the confidence to become a communication ninja.
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