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Between The Rivers

July 30, 2023
Jared Herd

Sermon Notes

“If you read history you will find that the Christians who didmost for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next.It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world thatthey have become so ineffective in this.”
- C.S. Lewis

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
- Genesis 1:1

Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it…
- Genesis 1:11

A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it wasseparated into four headwaters.
- Genesis 2:10

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden towork it and take care of it.
- Genesis 2:15

Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? Thekings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord andagainst his anointed, saying, “Let us break their chains and throw off theirshackles.” The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.
- Psalm 2:1-4

“See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former thingswill not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.
- Isaiah 65:17

the sound of weeping and of crying will be heard in it no more.
- Isaiah 65:19

They will build houses and dwell in them; they will plantvineyards and eat their fruit.
- Isaiah 65:21

The wolf and the lamb will feed together…”
- Isaiah 65:25

Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of allthings, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne…”
- Matthew 19:28

Heaven must receive him until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets.
-Acts 3:21

But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead,how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised.
- 1 Corinthians 15:12-13

But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruitsof those who have fallen asleep.
- 1 Corinthians 15:20

Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
- Revelation 21:1

And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’sdwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They willbe his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He willwipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning orcrying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” He who was seatedon the throne said, “I am making everything new!”
- Revelation 21:3-5

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb
- Revelation 22:1

Sunday Bible Study Guide

PDF Experience


What is your summer theme song?

Neighborly - Daily Devotional


As your group wraps up the summer session, what has been the biggest gain for you?

Neighborly - Daily Devotional

To get the Daily Devotionals delivered to you every morning, text ‘dailydevotional’ to 97000.

1. In the 7/27/23 entry, Practicing The Fear Of The Lord, Matty Garcia shares Psalm 111 and draws us to this conclusion: We walk in fear of the Lord when we rest in the redemption we have in Jesus. After reading this psalm, what do you think it means to “fear the Lord”? And now that you understand more of who God is, would you say you “walk in fear of the Lord”?  Why or why not? What blocks are you asking Him to tear down?

2.  In the 7/29/23 entry, Letting God In Will Mean Letting You Go, Pastor Heidi reminds us that praising God brings balance to the spinning, out-of-control, often over-scheduled life that we live. Have you tried it? How are you doing with praising God? Perhaps you are adding up the times you praise God in a day and find that number is quite small. But what if you stopped focusing on the number, and started developing a heart of praise instead? What does a heart of praise look like? How does it change your day? What walls come down, and what shifts do you notice?

Sermon Questions

Scriptures: Genesis 1:1, 11; Genesis 2:10, 15; Psalm 2:1-4; Isaiah 65:17, 19, 21, 25; Matthew 19:28; Acts 3:21; 1 Corinthians 15:12-13, 20; Revelation 21:1; 3-5, 22:1

  1. Pastor Jared shared that the psalms are the soundtrack of heaven, leading us to deep engagement in this life. What area of your life can you afford to be more present and engaged? What has been the roadblock to doing this sooner?
  2. Pastor Jared reminded us that a weak hope produces a weak purpose. Where does your source of hope come from? Do you believe you are living out your purpose in a way that reflects God’s goodness? Why or why not?
  3. Read Matthew 19:28. Instead of viewing heaven as our evacuation plan, we can view our lives on earth as an opportunity for restoration and renewal. What area of your life calls for restoration (a broken relationship, addiction, idol)?  
  4. Pastor Jared asked us two questions: Why are we, as Christ-followers, supposed to be GO FIRST people? Why are we supposed to live a life of morality?
  5. Read Revelation 21:3-5. God has come to dwell among us and you are a citizen of Heaven occupying earth. This week, how will you go into the world as the brand new creation He’s made you to be? How will you participate in bringing Heaven to earth?


August begins our 4th Impact Season: Educational System Support. Here are some ways you can serve this week:

  • Purchase a meal, gift cards, or funds for a church youth member who lost her mother unexpectedly. Let’s show this family the love of our community!  Sign up here.
  • There is still time to purchase backpacks (empty) for our upcoming back-to-school projects. Drop off this week or on Sunday in the lobby.


As summer groups conclude, how can you be praying for each other? Take prayer requests and make a commitment to holding your group members close in prayer until you meet again in the Fall.

My intercessor is my friend as my eyes pour out tears to God;
on behalf of a man he pleads with God as one pleads for a friend.

Job 16:20-21

To get the Daily Devotionals delivered to you every morning, text ‘dailydevotional’ to 97000.

1. In the 7/19/23 entry, Not Yet!, Pastor Harry reminds us that sometimes God answers our prayers with a not yet. Why? When is a time that you knew God was saying not yet? How did you react then, and do you/could you react differently today - have you changed? Pastor Harry said if God gives us a gift we are not ready to handle, the gift becomes a curse. Think through an event you have found this statement to be true in your life - what did you learn through the complications? What advice would you now give your old self?

2.  In the 7/29/23 entry, Letting God In Will Mean Letting You Go, Pastor Heidi reminds us that praising God brings balance to the spinning, out-of-control, often over-scheduled life that we live. Have you tried it? How are you doing with praising God? Perhaps you are adding up the times you praise God in a day and find that number is quite small. But what if you stopped focusing on the number and started developing a heart of praise instead? What does a heart of praise look like? How does it change your day? What walls come down?

Sermon Questions

Scriptures: Genesis 1:1-5, 27-28; Psalm 104:5-9; John 1:1-5

  1. Pastor Jared shared that the psalms are primarily there to inspire wonder about who God is and what He has done. Share a time when God’s character was revealed in what He’s done in your life.
  2. The question is not about the “what” but the “who” in your life.  Considering your current circumstances, are you living with a sense of “who” or a sense of “what?” Why or why not?
  3. Pastor Jared shared A.W. Tozer’s quote: “The most important thing about you is what you think about when you think about God.” In your most challenging times, what did you think about God? In your most fulfilling times, what did you think about God? Were your thoughts about Him different or the same? How can we work to be consistent about who God is, no matter the circumstance?
  4. Read Psalm 104:5-9. Our God is the God who brings order into chaos. How are you living out this truth in your life?
  5. Read Genesis 1:27-28. You are made in the image of a God who brings order into chaos. Meaning you, too, are meant to bring order into chaos. How can you reflect to the world who God is in your life and what He has done in the midst of a chaotic world?


Have you signed up yet for Good Neighbor Day on Saturday, July 29, 9-11am?

Register here!


This week, it is the Middle School’s turn at Forest Home camp! Pray over our 54 Middle School students and 8 staff/volunteers.. This year’s theme is The Pixelated Life: Just as pixels make up a picture, these moments make us who we are in God’s picture for us. Pray for everyone’s safety and health, for meaningful connections to be made, and that each one meets Jesus in a fresh new way and comes down the mountain determined to walk in step with him as they journey through their high school years and beyond.

“What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?”

- Romans 8:31