What is a Go First

We say Go First Leader instead of volunteer because we believe that serving in a local church should be an extension of the Go First principles we live out every day.

Someone along the way in your faith journey chose to Go First in your life, and because of that, you’re here ready to do the same for someone else today.

Apply Here Today

When Jesus came over 2000 years ago, He launched His church. That same vision exists today because countless people before us decided to go fiirst and continue building it. Are you ready to join that mission?

Apply Here Today


What happens after I apply to be a Go First Leader?

We will connect with you over email or phone within two business days to get to know you and explore next steps with a staff member in the department you’ll be serving in.

Do I need to fiinish the Go First Content to lead?

We would love for everyone who serves to go through the content and meet with a coach. Some areas of volunteering require that you complete the content, however, there are other areas you can jump into right away!

How often can/do I serve?

We believe in balance. No one should serve should serve every weekend and every service. Each department has different needs and frequency so we will be sure to fiind the best fiit for your lifestyle and schedule.

Can I serve and attend the same service?

We like to encourage people who serve on Sundays to serve for one service, and attend the other.

Which team will I be on?

While you will submit some preferences, we always aim to provide the best fiit for your gifting. Be prepared to consider some other options after submitting the form if our staff believes there’s a great opportunity you may not be aware of.

Would I need a background check?

Safety is our top priority. If you wish to serve in a ministry involving minors, you will need to undergo a background check. We, as a church, take every precaution to protect our next generation and have implemented measured steps to protect the ministry and the individual serving.