Day 28: Psalm 145

April 26, 2020
Day 28: Psalm 145

Sundays don’t feel like they used to. Every Sunday I wake up, I miss the handshakes, the prayers, the hugs, the hellos, and the rush of a Sunday morning. I bet you do too.

To be honest, I’ve thought about Sundays rather selfishly, wishing for the moment I could walk into a crowded room and sing a worship song. It’s starting to affect me in another way, since I realized the effect it’s having on our children. Church has never been just about us or our preferences, it’s always had a “transmitting” component. Faith is about those coming behind us. Our children. Your children. The children. Notice the Psalmist:

  • Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
  • his greatness no one can fathom.
  • One generation commends your works to another;
  • they tell of your mighty acts.
  • They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty
  • and I will meditate on your wonderful works.
  • They tell of the power of your awesome works
  • and I will proclaim your great deeds.
  • They celebrate your abundant goodness
  • and joyfully sing of your righteousness.
  • Psalm 145:3-7

The story of faith lives on, because one generation declares it to the next. The powerful work of church isn’t just transformation, it’s transmitting. Today as I wake up and long to be in the building, I also wake up praying about all of our sons and daughters whose faith is looking different. Our team is continuing to do an amazing job creating content for kids and students, and we are determined that the flame of faith will be passed down to the next generation during this time.

At the same time, it’s making me realize how important everything I do as a dad is. When my kids watch me watch church, that’s more powerful than them watching Dad preach. When I read them a Bible story and pray with them at night, that’s powerful. Today as we gather online for church, let’s remember what is at stake.

I pray in your house the Sunday content we create is something that God uses in transforming ways; but know that if you have kids in the house, the continued discipline of showing up in front of the TV on Sunday, in front of your bible on Monday, and so on, well… that’s transmitting faith.

It’s about more than you and me. Keep showing up. It matters in ways we cannot see.
