Day 8: Psalm 122

April 6, 2020
Day 8: Psalm 122

Much of the Psalms are called “songs of Ascent” and they are Psalms that pilgrims who did not live in Jerusalem would sing as they were making their way there for holy festivals at and around the temple.

Notice Psalm 122:1-5

I rejoiced with those who said to me,

 “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”

Our feet are standing

 in your gates, Jerusalem.

Jerusalem is built like a city

 that is closely compacted together.

That is where the tribes go up—

 the tribes of the Lord—

to praise the name of the Lord

 according to the statute given to Israel.

There stand the thrones for judgment,

 the thrones of the house of David.

This is a pilgrim Psalm, sung by those who anticipate arriving in the Temple. The Temple was more than a place. It is God’s presence. I have found myself in the last few weeks missing the gathering of church and missing the structure that my faith had in the church building itself. I knew when to sing; I knew when to gather for celebration and community. In these days, we are like those ancient pilgrims, waiting on a day we can say, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.” At the same time, the Temple as a divine resting place was a foretaste of God’s claim on the whole creation. Jesus Christ came to bring a new creation, and now God is not just present in Israel, He is present everywhere. We now can experience His presence right where we are without a building because, through the resurrection of Christ, He invites us to see that everywhere we go we can see it as holy space. In the same way the ancient pilgrims anticipated going to Jerusalem, may we anticipate God’s presence with us as we begin Holy Week.

In this strange moment, let us remember the miracle of Easter, that we do not have to go to the house of the Lord. Through Christ, the house of the Lord has come to us.

How are you preparing your heart this week?
