A Comforting Thought
"When I [Jesus] am raised to life again, you will know that I am in the Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you."
- Jesus, John 14:20
"God doesn't ask us to do great things for Him; He just asks that we do everything with Him!"
- Steven James
A funny thing happened in the Alabaster Jar Golf Tournament last week… We won!
Well… almost… actually, we got 3rd… which for me is nothing short of miraculous! Those of you who have golfed with me over the years have said to me more than once, "Whatever you do, Harry, don't quit your day job to play golf!" (Smile). Don't worry… I know my limitations! Which is why I was so surprised when someone came up to me at the 19th hole and said, "Congrats! You guys were 14 under par -- you placed 3rd!"
Honestly, I had no idea we played that well. Why? Because I was enjoying myself so much with the guys in our group that I literally and truly lost track of the score. AND… I never do that! I always know exactly where I stand. I am always acutely aware of everything that's in play. I always know the score…. Whether it's a deadline, or a home project, or a financial plan, or a health routine, an upcoming family vacation, or retirement goals – I am always aware of the score. I live every day with the end goal in mind! And I've noticed that that preoccupation presses itself into my present moment and creates restlessness, stress, anxiety, tension.
Anybody know what I'm talking about? What I've discovered is that my obsessive awareness of the end goal reminds me constantly that I'm still not there… that I'm not where I want to be… that I still have not arrived. And you and I both know...There's no peace in that! But… What if I told you that you could have both – peace today and a win tomorrow?
What if I told you that you could feel today as if you already won tomorrow… even though the finish line is still a long way off. Would you be interested? DUH!
In John 14:20, Jesus said,
"When I am raised to life again, you will know that I am in the Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you."
- John 14:20
WOW! If I had been in the Upper Room that day, I would've hitched my wagon to that star and never looked back! Jesus is inviting us to imagine that he is so big, so powerful, and so personal that he can fill all our moments -- even the most mundane, ordinary, in-between moments of our lives -- with a fullness, a presence, a finishedness that makes us feel like we're holding tomorrow's win in our hands today!
Jesus is promising that He can redeem, not just our future, but all the moments of our lives because He is a God who not only saves us in the end… but He inhabits us today!
That's why Jesus is the Ultimate Redeemer! The mystic Francois de Fenelon wrote,
"Do not seek God as if He were far off in an ivory castle. He is found in the middle of the events of your everyday life."
When we make tea, the tea permeates all of the boiling water so that we can no longer separate them. The tea changes the water for good -- in both senses of the word. That's what Jesus wants to do in you… and in me!
So… To all the Type As out there who, like me, find yourself obsessing over the score… over some goal… over some end game… over some finish line.... Relax! Invite the presence of Jesus to permeate this moment you're in right now! Invite Him to step into the unfinishedness of this moment… whether you're driving to work… or picking up the kids… or vaccuming the house… or signing that check… or playing Chutes and Ladders with the grandkids….
Invite Him to join you right now. And you will begin to feel that what you're hoping for tomorrow., you're holding in your hands today! Now that's a comforting thought!
Pastor Harry