Take A Dip In The Deep End

Sep 9, 2023

Over the last few years, I watched my son, Charlie, develop a love for history.

He recently graduated high school, but those few years prior were filled with AP courses that created an awareness of the world up to this point. Facts, stories, and revelations allowed for a depth of knowledge that not only created a deeper understanding for all that had taken place, but also, the discovery of vast amounts of information gave him a sense of appreciation and the ability to share his retained knowledge with others.

Charlie learned that to understand more, he needed to go deeper. This ability to go deeper, took concentrated effort, time, and dedication.

When you look at your life, what are areas that you go deep in?

I think there are many of us that would say….

  • Our work/job can require this depth.
  • Financial investments can require this depth.
  • Leading and raising a family can require this depth.


  • Planning the perfect vacation can require this depth.

All good things that, when they receive proper understanding and attention, will flourish.

So, of course, you know I am going to ask it and you are probably already configuring a response in your mind ...

What does it look like to go deeper spiritually?  

Our relationship with our Heavenly Father who loves us beyond measure demands an attention that, if we are honest… He may not always receive.

I know when my day concludes, and I can barely keep my eyes open, that if I recounted every minute of the day, I may have been productive BUT did the depth of my day seek a focus on God?

Today we read from Ephesians 3:16-19:

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge — that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

- Ephesians 3:16-19

Oh God, You are so loving, all powerful and understanding.

You love us to a depth that we can’t comprehend. YOUR desire to dwell in us, to have us live a life full of Your spirit, is undeniable.

I am sorry that when I examine my heart that the depth you deserve is sometimes lacking.

Why do I let the world designate my agenda, or people decide my worth, or put my relationship with You behind everyone else?

God, help us to see the value in going deeper with You. To respond to your unconditional love with a commitment that needs to override the challenges of the world that demands all of us.

To begin to comprehend a love that surpasses all understanding that literally could fill us up in a way that no worldly accomplishment could.

We need to succumb to You, minute to minute with a heart postured towards You.

Daily through prayer, reading Your Word, worshiping,

Weekly through seeking community and serving.

Oh God, Your promises never cease and Your love never ends but the world and what it offers is transient.

God, may we seek a depth with You that is not only deserving but inevitably life-changing.

May that depth create an understanding and commitment that not only changes our life but enables us to Go First and change others.

Pastor Heidi

I read this devotional
Take A Dip In The Deep End