Moment By Moment

Sep 13, 2023

After my dad had his first heart attack, he was plagued by this question: "God, what is Your purpose for my life?"

He believed God had given him another chance at life and he really wanted to know why God saved him and what God's Will was for the rest of his life. This is what I told him:

"Dad, instead of wondering what God's Will is for the rest of your life, just ask Him what His will is for you in this moment – right now. And then… do that! Moment by moment. And before you know it, you'll be living out His Will for your life."

In Mark 12:30-31, Jesus said:

"The most important commandment is this… ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’"

- Mark 12:30-31 (NLT)

Michael MacDonald, from the Doobie Brothers, sang a song called, Minute by Minute, but in this passage, Jesus is calling us to live Moment by Moment.

Don't worry so much about what God wants to do with your life tomorrow, or next week, or next year…. Just do what you think "Loving God" means right now… right where you are… in this moment.

And if you think, upon reflection, that you've drifted into an attitude or an action that's unloving toward God or your neighbor… Admit it! Ask Jesus to forgive you in that moment and then move on to the next moment with Him, living in the depths of His love for you.

To be a Go First leader in God's Church has less to do with figuring out what God wants you to do with your life and more to do with following what He wants you to do in this moment -- Because… in truth… that's all He's given us! This moment is your life! Here is our duty: To love and honor God right now. Wherever we are. Whatever we're doing. In this moment!

As a young Jesus follower, I wanted to do something big for God.

I got my first golden opportunity when I was invited to lead the Jr. High program at church. Whoo hoo!... I was pumped!  I spent two weeks preparing my first message to 56 students. That Sunday morning, I got up early, rehearsed my message, put on a new white shirt and tie… walked outside to my car, and there, right across the street, Lorraine, our 78 year old neighbor had a flat tire. "Oh Harry, it's my grandson's first communion at St.Gabriel's and I'm not going to make it." "Oh Great!" I thought… "What now? Decision time. Do I do a big thing for God… or a little thing for Lorraine?" Long story short, I fixed the tire… raced to church… got there just as they were finishing the worship set… out of breath… with a dirty white shirt… I stumbled through my message.... a sermon only my mother could love (Smile).

Sometimes the little things we do for love ARE the biggest things we do for God!

When our lives are finally over and we stand before God, He's not going to ask about the trophies won, the promotions received, the properties owned, the money made or the big things we did for Him. He's simply going to look at us… smile… and ask:

"Do you love Me? Right now? Right here? In this moment?” Because that's God's Will for your life and mine!


Pastor Harry

I read this devotional
Moment By Moment