
Sep 18, 2023

A friend loves at all times,  and a brother is born for a time of adversity.

- King Solomon, Proverbs 17:17

A few weeks ago, I would never have thought I would be writing on this subject, but here we are.

On August 22nd, I shared my journey with you from cancer to hernia surgery. I reported to you that surgery was successful and I was on my way to recovery.

In reality, I found out just a few days before that devotional posted, but after I had written and recorded it, that I would need to have follow-up surgery. The incision was not healing correctly and it became imperative for the surgeon to open me back up and “fix” it.

The second surgery was also successful and I continued my recovery. That is, until it was discovered the incision was still not healing correctly. A third surgery was scheduled for September 7, which is one day after my writing and recording this devotional.

It has been a journey, but I continue to trust God to bring healing and restoration, and to get this behind me. But, one thing that has been confirmed throughout the ordeal is that Pam and I have some amazing framily. If you are not sure what that means, it is friends that are like family. It is the family we choose. Bill and Deb, Chuck and Darlene, Lars and Leilani, and Mark and Sandy (BTW - they are listed in alphabetical order by last name, so as to not show any favoritism - Ha!) have truly been amazing throughout.

From calls and texts, meals, help around the house, and sitting with Pam through my surgeries, they have been the friends we call family.

I point this out to express the value of one of the tenants of being a Go First leader - relational connection. We are not meant to do life alone, and the value of friends who love us, support us, encourage us, and hold us accountable – those who choose to do life with us – cannot be overstated. They are the manifestation of Jesus in our lives and indispensable to us as we navigate the ups and downs of the path on which God has placed us. I simply don’t know what we would do without them.

Sure, we have lots of friends and so many people that care for and about us, and we are thankful for each and every one of them… but it is our framily that truly defines relational connection to us. Pam and I are beyond grateful for these four couples and what they mean to us, and though we will fall short, we will always strive to be the same to them.

I encourage you to seek out friends who become framily, for it is those friends that make the journey of life worth doing, regardless of the mountains and valleys you traverse along the way.

Pastor Ken

I read this devotional