
Sep 16, 2023

From the very beginning of time, I love seeing how God emphasizes the importance of being in all types of friendships.

Right at the start of the Bible, He encourages us to make relational connections which we read about in Genesis 2:18-22. This is where we learn that Adam being alone is not a good thing. So, what does God do? He gives him a friend, that’s just like him, in Eve.

There are tons more references throughout scripture to the importance of friends. The Bible talks about how our earthly friendships are a model for how God wants to be our ultimate bestie. We read in Proverbs 17:17 that a friend is born for a time of adversity. And in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 we are reminded that two are better than one.

One of my favorite passages of scripture when it comes to friends is Proverbs 27:17 which says,

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

- Proverbs 27:17

I think God talks a lot about friendships for different reasons. Part of His intention behind encouraging friendship is to model the relationship He desires between us and Him. Another reason He stresses the need for us to develop relational connections is because life is tough enough and He doesn’t want us to go it alone. And, in using the comparison of sharpening iron, we all need the challenge of being in relationships in order to be refined and matured.

And yet another reason God designed us for relationships is to interpret His voice.

Here’s what I mean by that. Years ago, I heard San Diego lawyer, speaker, and author Bob Goff talk about the importance of friendships in this way that really stuck with me. He said, “God doesn't just give us promises; He gives us each other.”

If you’ve ever heard me speak, or been around me much, I often describe this sentiment. I’ve said it many times - I have yet to hear an audible voice from God. While I’m 100% open to actually hearing God speak, after calling Him my bestie for the last 30+ years, the ways I’ve heard from Him still don’t include an actual booming voice.


I see Him, feel Him, and hear Him speak through the connections I’ve made in friendship.

Stop and think about that for a minute.

When you’ve called out to God for an answer of some sort, did you hear His audible voice telling you what to do? Or, did a friend show up in response with wise words that felt “coincidentally” right on time?

When you’ve been desperate for healing of any kind, whether it be from a cold, a broken heart, or what felt like overwhelming grief, did God audibly yell down a reminder that He loved you? Or, did your friends wrap around you with uplifting gifts and encouragement “exactly” when you needed it?

There’s a joke about a Christian guy who threw himself overboard a ship to prove that God would save him. His friends yell from the deck to grab the life vest they throw out to him. He doesn’t. His other friends jump in a lifeboat and tell him to get in. He doesn’t. Still more friends call for a rescue helicopter and tell him to let it pull him out of the water. He doesn’t.

When he inevitably drowns and goes to Heaven he angrily asks God why He didn’t save him. And what’s God’s response? Ummmmm, I sent you a life vest, I sent you a lifeboat, and I sent you a helicopter!

God shows up in our lives through our relationships just like in this joke.

Over and over again He makes His love for us known through our friends, but are your eyes open to this method of His communication?

If not, maybe your friendships could use a little nurturing. Just maybe, God has a lot to show and teach you if you’re willing to strengthen and invest in your relational connections.

Love you!

Kyle Moss

I read this devotional