A Royal Priesthood

Oct 24, 2022

There are so many facets of these two verses on which I could focus, but I have chosen to focus on two words… “Royal Priesthood.” Verses 5 and 9 of 1 Peter 2 both mention these two words, so I figure there must be a reason.

And this concept is not new. Way back in Exodus, Moses first experienced God in the burning bush. Then, following the Exodus when Moses led the Children of Israel out of 400 years of bondage in Egypt, he led them through the wilderness toward the Promised Land.

In Exodus 19:6, as Moses climbed Mount Sinai to come into the presence of God and share God’s commands to His people, God told Moses to tell His people this:

They would be a “kingdom of priests.”

Peter simply continues the theme God gave us more than 3400 years ago. Peter writes that we are a royal priesthood, which simply means, just as God told Moses, that we are ALL priests.

The entire body of believers, every church member, is a priest.

Unfortunately, too often, we as Christ-followers, get that confused. We expect the pastor to do the ministry. He or she is supposed to teach, lead, administrate, and shepherd the flock by doing hospital visitation, counseling, officiate weddings and funerals, attend committee meetings and participate in fund-raising events.

There is simply not enough time for one person to do all of this. More importantly, it is not the role the pastor is to have. He or she, according to the Apostle Paul, is to:

Equip the saints for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.
- Ephesians 4:12

In other words, the role of the pastor is not to do the ministry, but to equip us, the Royal Priesthood, for works of service.

He or she is to teach us what it means to be a priest and how to function in that role.

What does it look like to be a member of the Royal Priesthood? We are to:

1. Reflect the holiness of God (Be like Jesus).
2. Offer Spiritual Sacrifices (Praise, Financial Resources, Act of Service)
3. Intercede for others before God (Pray).

Pastor Jared is teaching us what it means to be a “Go First” leader.

The three areas I just mentioned are a perfect place to start. It means we do not wait on others, but we “Go First” in living a life for Christ at home, in our workplace and in our community. It means we do not wait on the pastors and the staff to do the work of ministry, but that we “Go First” offering praise to our God through the giving of our time, talents, and treasure. And we don’t wait on others to pray for us, but we “Go First” in lifting the needs of others to our God.

Friends, we are a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, God’s Special Possession. May we declare the praises (in words and in action) of Him who called us out of darkness and into His wonderful light.

Pastor Ken

I read this devotional
A Royal Priesthood