Agree With God

Jun 21, 2023

You ever find it hard to agree with what God is saying to you in a particular situation?

I had a close friend who went through a divorce, and, after seven years, fell in love and wanted to re-marry. He came to me with this verse from Matthew 19:9 where Jesus says,

"And I tell you this, whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery -- unless his wife has been unfaithful."

- Matthew 19:9

So, my friend said, "I did not have an affair in my first marriage and neither did my first wife. Does this mean I am committing adultery by marrying a second time?"

"The truth is," I said, "We can do a theological dance all around this verse and say, 'Well… what Jesus really meant was...' Or, we could just let Jesus say what He's saying… Agree with Him. Sincerely feel the remorse and the regret of disappointing God… and then receive His grace and forgiveness for a new beginning."

In Psalm 86:11, David writes,

Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to Your truth!

- Psalm 86:11

David wanted to live in agreement with God and His truth -- even when it hurt!

Oftentimes, David was inviting God to search his inner thoughts, to examine his behavior to see if there was anything out-of-sync with God's heart, mind, and truth. And here's what David taught me: That it's better to agree with what God is saying about me… in the particular situation I'm in… That:

    … I'm being selfish!

    … 'm being hard-hearted!

    … I'm being jealous, envious, lustful!

    … I'm being stingy!

    … I'm afraid of failing!

    … I'm not trusting God!...

… And feel the sincere sting of that truth… before inviting Jesus to forgive me and give me the grace of a new beginning!

The alternative is what? Spending great amounts of energy trying to side-step God's truth to you in order to try and avoid feeling bad, or feeling guilty or ashamed. But guilt is like trying to keep an inflated beach ball under the water. You can do it for awhile – with great effort – until your strength gives out… and the guilt explodes once again to the surface of your life.

Why not erase it completely… by agreeing with what God is saying to you… and feeling the heaviness of that… receive the forgiveness Jesus purchased for you and I on that cross to flow into our life and take away the guilt of that sin.

Last week, while driving home from work, I was pulled over by a police officer who came up to my window, visibly upset, and said, "You are one of the most discourteous drivers I have ever seen!" "The way you carelessly crossed over two lanes of traffic to avoid waiting in line in the lane you were in was one of the rudest examples of driving I have seen!" For a good 2-3 minutes, on the side of I-78, this policeman delivered the most guilt-producing rant on my driving behavior. And when he finished, he looked me in the eye and demanded, "So, what do you have to say for yourself?"

And honestly, like Job before God Himself, I said, “Gosh, Officer, I have nothing to say! I  agree with you…”

“I really am the most discourteous driver I know! I'm always in a hurry, impatient, always looking to pass, never thinking about the other drivers. You're so right! I am a rude driver! I am so sorry! Officer, I promise you, I will try and be a more courteous driver!" And I really meant it!

And this officer… I think he was surprised that I agreed with him… ‘cause he didn't know what to say. He hesitated, put his ticket book in his back pocket, and said, "Ahhh… Well… Okay then… Watch your driving! Have a nice day!" And I said, "What? No ticket?!" "No Ticket!" he said. WOW!... ‘Cause I deserved one! But a funny thing happened: When I agreed with the officer – that I really was a bad driver – I received grace!

Listen… If you're running from a hard word that God's Spirit is whispering to your heart… STOP!... Agree with God… You are the problem! Feel the conviction – sincerely – then receive the grace and forgiveness of Jesus to live forward, with gratitude, as a better person!


Pastor Harry

I read this devotional
Agree With God