Bah, Humbug!


It’s June, but it feels like there’s never a wrong time to reference a Christmas movie.

I grew up watching A Christmas Carol every single holiday season - but ONLY the “Muppets” version. If you haven’t seen it, I promise it is the best version you will watch. Stop reading. Drop everything you’re doing. Enjoy a “Muppets” classic. 

A Christmas Carol is the classic story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a grumpy old man who is angry, selfish, and disinterested in anything related to Christmas. While I won’t belabor you with a full recap of The Muppet Christmas Carol (although Kermit’s performance is phenomenal), I will remind you how the story ends. After being shown the dark future he could have if he continues down his selfish path, Scrooge is woken up with a second chance. The transformation is immediate - he begins to live with incredible excitement, gratitude, and generosity. He’s been saved from the dark future that was imminent, and has the chance to live for something so much better. 

The comparisons that can be made between this Christmas classic and the gospel are evident. But I think we can learn from one specific part of Scrooge’s story today. I love what Pastor Jared shared this past weekend when talking about what it means to live out our faith boldly. He shared that Christians “should be the kind of people where things that bother the world, don’t bother them.” 

It is so easy to live life angry. Annoyed by slight inconveniences. Assuming the worst about your unreliable coworker or the stranger that cut you off in traffic. If we’re not careful, we’ll walk through life a lot like Ebenezar Scrooge. We wake up, complain about being tired, snap at our kids, ignore our spouses, roll our eyes when Starbucks gives us the wrong drink, grumble our way through the day, go to bed exhausted, and REPEAT. Maybe it’s just me, but when I’m not being intentional about centering myself on Christ - I can spend a lot of time being angry and yelling “Bah, humbug!” 

But Christians shouldn’t be bothered by the things this world gets frustrated by.

We have patience for daily life, grace for mistakes, understanding for others, and compassion for suffering. While the world says “Faster! Hurry! Get out of my way!”, we get to slow down, extend a hand, and walk with people.

When we make space for Jesus, we don’t walk through life bothered. Instead we’re present and living with love. 

Scrooge becomes unbothered by the things of the world when he realizes how lucky he is to have a second chance. If you’re finding yourself extra bothered, angry, impatient, or just plain exhausted, maybe now would be a good time to reflect on the second chance we have all been gifted through Jesus. Sin has destined us all to a future much worse than Scrooge’s. But by the saving grace of Jesus alone, we get to participate in creating heaven on earth, and then enjoy eternity in full union with Him.

… for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 

- Romans 3:23-24

Today, before you lose your temper, before you ignore the needs of others, before you Scrooge it up. Consider this: you are not destined to sin and brokenness because of the gift of Jesus.

You have a second chance, let’s not waste it being bothered. Let’s use it for joy, love, and the spirit of Christmas - even in June!

Cristina Schmitter

Cristina Schmitter

Cristina Schmitter grew up calling The Church at RB home. After graduating from Biola University 3 and a half years ago, she began serving the students of our church. She currently oversees both middle school and high school as Student Ministries Director. Cristina is passionate about sharing the gospel and empowering others to change the world for Jesus!




Daniel’s Prayer