But We Didn’t Pray Yet!

May 13, 2023

Last week we had a family member go in for a medical procedure.

The morning of, I asked my kids to record a video of themselves saying they loved her and are praying for her. Simple enough for a kid in 2023, right?


My son surprised me. He said, adamantly and immediately, “But mom, we didn’t pray for her yet!”


In my defense, we had definitely been praying for her in the days prior to her procedure but in that moment, he was right. We hadn’t stopped to pray for her that day and to say we had was confusing to him.

How many times have you told someone you were praying for them but didn’t ever get around to actually praying for them? Be honest - it happens often, doesn’t it?

My son’s response was such a great reminder. I want to be a person who says they’ll pray and then truly does. Not just someone who thinks about it or intends on praying. I want to honestly take requests to God on behalf of the people around me.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 it says, “... pray without ceasing…” and this moment with my son provided me the perfect opportunity to explain to him exactly this concept.

Furthermore, though, it was God reminding me to double down on my discussions with Him. That when I say I’m praying for someone, I’m actually praying for them. That when I tell my kids to pray for people, we stop, and pray for them right then and there.

And here’s your reminder today, too. Pray for the people around you. Pray when you say you will. Pray when you think about it and pray when you don’t, haha. Pray.

Not sure where to start? I get it and I got ya. Here’s a list you can choose from or even work your way through:

  • Pray for our church volunteers. For their commitment & continued willingness to serve. And be sure to thank God for them!
  • Pray for our church’s missionaries. For their health, wellbeing, and loyalty in serving God even in uncomfortable situations. And be sure to give thanks for the work they do to share the Gospel!
  • Pray for our Impact partner organizations. For their tireless efforts to make our neighborhoods a better place for all. And be sure to ask God to reveal Himself to them in just the way they each need, exactly where they are!
  • Pray for YOUR actual neighbors. For your witness of Jesus to them, for their contentment in life, and for your relationship. And be sure to ask God to help you continue being a good neighbor in action by loving the heck out of them precisely as they are!

Our prayers matter. God’s listening. He’s waiting on you to chat Him up so He can rain down His blessings all over your life and the lives of those around you. All it takes is a prayer.


Who will you stop and pray for right now?!

Love you!!!

Kyle Moss

I read this devotional
But We Didn’t Pray Yet!