Calling Mom For Money

Apr 14, 2023

I’ll never forget being on the phone at nineteen years old, calling my mom asking for money.

It’s one thing to ask for a loan to invest in something new like a home, or maybe a new business. But for me to call and ask for help for the basic necessity of groceries was extremely challenging. It meant that I was empty and in need. It meant that, without their help, I was going to go without a necessity.

Psalm 23 says:

“The Lord is my shepherd, I have all that I need.”

- Psalm 23:1 (NLT)

When I moved out at 19 for a low paying job in another state, I had no clue what “need” was. I had grown up in the safety of my family's home, great friends, a nice job, and there was an In-N-Out five minutes away from my office. If you can get a Double-Double on a ten minute break, I would argue you’ve made it in life!

But at this particular moment in my life, I suddenly felt “need.”

If you’re anything like me, you’ve been groomed to create a world where need is absent and only want exists. You were probably taught that asking for help and being in need was irresponsible, and that if you were only in a position to want and fulfill those wants, you’re doing well.

And sure, there is some truth to that. We want to be wise with our finances and take care of the families God’s entrusted us with… but you and I were never designed to be fully self-sufficient.

Humans were designed to need their Designer.

God did not create you and then say, “Go figure it out.” He created you fully knowing that you would need Him. The problem is, you and I try to silence the spiritual ache we have in our soul that is crying out for God by telling ourselves to read more leadership books, work out harder, and eat healthier, because if we are taking care of our physical needs, that should be enough.

Jesus is saying to you today: I see your ache, I see your emptiness, I see your pain that you’ve been trying to self medicate. Let Me show you what it looks like to live without need – but first you have to choose to allow Me to be your Shepherd and care for you.

If the Lord isn’t your Shepherd, you don’t have everything you need. Psalm 23 is only true for you and me when we embrace the full message of that simple first verse.

Allow Jesus to care for you like a Good Shepherd today, and discover the peace found when He fulfills all that you never knew you needed.

DJ Brennan

I read this devotional
Calling Mom For Money