Catch Me Singing

Aug 8, 2022

Have you ever found yourself talking to God like He doesn’t know what He’s doing?

I remember saying many words that Pastor Jared wouldn’t be thrilled with me repeating in a long, strung out prayer to God, eight years ago.

I was parked in my Prius outside of a townhome that I had moved into in Seattle. I was told I would have roommates. I wasn’t told I would sleep on the top of a IKEA twin bunk bed with four other interns in the same room. Six guys, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, one parking spot. Not a good time. Did I mention that I wasn’t over here making stacks and living it up. I was making less than minimum wage.

I left my entire life in San Diego to try a new job at a church just outside of the city of Seattle. Ask me now and I would tell you it was the best decision ever. Ask me three months into that decision and the result would have been very similar to my prayer that day. Long winded, full of colorful language, and without any room for You to interject a thought.

It was a rainy day when those words were flying out of my mouth. Then again… so was every day in Seattle, hence me getting myself back to San Diego as soon as possible. Anyways, as I was there, I remember saying something to the effect of, “God, do you even know what you’re doing?”

Isn’t it so funny how we can find ourselves saying prayers that are so counter to what we would be saying if we were in a good headspace?

When you walk out of a great worship night, a great conversation, a meaningful table group time, or maybe even just a Sunday morning service, you would say, “God’s got it covered. I can trust Him with anything!” But DJ in 2016 had long forgotten that truth and was pretty sure God had fully forgotten about him.

You can find me any day of the week walking around Costco, calling my wife, Anna, for a list of things that we need from the store. The problem is, I’ll call, ask, and then hang up, only to find that I have no clue what she said. We’ve all done it. We have this amazing ability to hear information and then let it wash over us. It’s the same thing with scripture and truth. We hear these words that can change the course of our lives, mental health, families, relationships, and overall joy. And then you and I decide to close the Bible, turn off the app, and completely forget anything we read. Trust me, I’m a professional Christian, and I do it. It’s ok, you’re not alone.

So let’s work together on trying to absorb just a little bit of this scripture:

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Isn't life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

- Matthew 6:25-27

Are you not much more valuable than they?

Can you add an hour to your life by worrying?

Isn't life more than food?

All of these are great questions that we all know the answer to right? In theory, I know that I’m more valuable than a bird. Science tells me stress obviously isn’t helping my weight, hair color, or quality of life. Life is obviously more than just focusing on the next meal.

But then, for some reason, you and I are sitting on the couch, in our cars, laying in bed awake, wondering how in the world this is going to work out and if God is even paying attention anymore.

So let’s just get three things straight real quick:

It’s ok to feel like God isn’t there.

It’s ok to be mad at God.


God hasn’t forgotten you.

God hasn’t forgotten you.

One of my favorite writers, Sean Curran, sums this devo up in one bridge:

You’ve been God for a long time

You’re the final word, You’re the finish line

Everythings gonna be alright

You’ve been God for a long time.

DJ Brennan

I read this devotional
Catch Me Singing