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Apr 6, 2023

Several months ago, my grandson, Fisher, who’s three years old, got introduced to the Teen-Age Mutant Ninja Turtles. And, WOW! Immediately, he became a sold-out, devoted, flag-waving follower. Not only does he act like them and talk like them, but after Dad got him a green turtle cape and green turtle mask, Fisher now looks like them as well...running around the house shouting, "Cowabunga!" Recently, his Mom showed me a picture of him with his entire preschool class - he wasn't hard to spot. He was the one in the green Ninja Turtle outfit! (Smile). I loved it!

And it's raised a Question for me as I walk through Holy Week -- the Question is this:

Are you and I still willing to stand out in a crowd because we are THAT committed to someone or something?

More specifically, am I still willing to stand out in a crowd because I Am THAT committed to Jesus?

You see, if anyone was wearing a Jesus cape and mask going into Holy Week, it was Peter! In fact, it was tonight, Thursday, just after supper, when Jesus told the disciples that one of them was going to betray Him. Jumping up in His Jesus cape and mask, Peter boasted, "Not me, Lord!" And, striking a ninja pose, shouted, "I will die for you, Jesus!" Several short hours later, we read this in Luke 22:53-54:

"So they arrested Jesus, and the soldiers led Him into the courtyard of the High Priest's home. And Peter followed at a distance. The guards lit a fire in the middle of the courtyard and sat around it, and Peter joined them there."

- Luke 22:53-54

Did you catch that? "AND Peter followed at a Distance." Those words make me so sad! Peter has removed his Jesus cape and mask, and he's trying to blend in with the crowd. Why? For the same reason I do...and you do. Because the price for following Jesus is suddenly too high. Peter's close, but he's no longer connected.

It was easy wearing the cape when Jesus was healing the sick, feeding the five thousand, and raising the dead, but now, as the price for following Jesus has gone up, Peter's devotion to Jesus has gone down. So, he follows at a distance.

It makes me wonder when Fisher discovers that Ninja Turtles only eat green vegetables - spinach and broccoli - will he still wear the green cape and mask, or will he follow at a distance and blend in with the crowd?

Makes me wonder when you and I discover that Jesus calls us

   to forgive that person who hurt us…

    to say "NO" to pornography and "YES" to righteousness...

    to give generously to God and His Church...

    to take time to serve the poor and help those in need...

    to remove prejudice and judgment from my heart and start looking at all people with grace and love.

Will I still wear the Jesus cape and mask, or will I follow at a distance and blend in with the crowd?

Listen, 95% devotion to Jesus is still 5% short! We're either blending in...or...we're standing out!

Are you just close, or are you connected?

Here's why I ask this: because a life of true joy, resilient hope, lasting peace, and authentic love - the Life Jesus promised us - isn't a life you just drift into; it's the consequence of following Jesus. Not from a distance, but up close and personal, no matter where He goes, no matter what He does!

Here's my hope: that tomorrow, on Good Friday, as Jesus snaps a pic from the Cross, it won't just be his mom and John, his best friend, standing there. But as far as his eyes can see, there will be a sea of people - you and I - all standing there in our Jesus capes and masks, shouting, "I'M HERE FOR YOU, JESUS! I'M HERE FOR YOU!"


Pastor Harry

I read this devotional
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