Cursing Into Blessing

Jul 25, 2023

Our grandson, Emery, was at our house a few days ago. I asked him if he knew who was coming to visit this week.

After guessing his parents and our friends, I finally reminded him that his cousins, Jericho and Zekiah, were coming! He looked up at me with a scowl on his face and said, “I’m angry!”

Now that wasn’t what I was expecting… so I asked what he meant. He assured me that he wasn’t angry with Mimi or Pops, but Zekiah, because he doesn’t share. I reminded him Kiah is only two and doesn’t understand sharing yet. Then, I encouraged him to tell Kiah’s parents if he takes a toy from him. So, here is the update: The NorCal Ingolds have arrived and so far, so good!

David might have been feeling some of the same emotion that Emery was when he penned Psalm 109, known as a Psalm of Lament. Rather than seeking vengeance when his enemies were falsely accusing him, he turned to God to deal with them. David says in verses 1-5:

My God, whom I praise,

   do not remain silent,

for people who are wicked and deceitful

   have opened their mouths against me;

   they have spoken against me with lying tongues.

With words of hatred they surround me;

   they attack me without cause.

In return for my friendship they accuse me,

   but I am a man of prayer.

They repay me evil for good,

    and hatred for my friendship.

- Psalm 109:1-5

In the midst of his hurt and pain, David chose to turn his praise to God and let Him deal with his enemies.

I wonder… Is that always my response? Or yours?

Wouldn't it be easier to gossip and get even? Yes, it would be easier,  but as Go First Leaders, does that show God’s love and forgiveness to our enemies? They’re not ours to deal with, they belong to God as Paul reminds us in Romans 12:19:

Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.

- Romans 12:19

I am often asked if it is okay to let God know how we really feel about a person who has hurt, falsely accused, or lied about us. Friends, God knows everything about you and me. It is a good thing to bring your emotions to God and let them overflow (or explode!) with Him. Doing this allows Him to speak into the darkness, and sometimes we get to see what He sees.

Friends, God is your deliverer and defender. Today, consider if there is anyone you need to extend His love, mercy and grace to. After all, when He went to the cross for you and me, that is exactly what He did for us. He offered us hope, new life and a future with Him! I’ll close with verse 28:

While they curse, may you bless; may those who attack me be put to shame, but may your servant rejoice.

- Psalm 109:28

God turns curses into blessings! Ask Him to do that today!

Pastor Pam

I read this devotional
Cursing Into Blessing