Do You Have Any Holes For Holiness?

Jan 7, 2023

I definitely giggle when I look at the above question - even more when I say it out loud. But it's such a good thought! And here's what I mean by it….

As we embark on a brand new year (yay!!!), how are you beginning to shape your schedule?

Be honest - is it already chock full, overflowing with appointments, get-togethers, and even things that feel like obligations?

Or maybe your calendar is the opposite - blank, maybe a little disorganized, and almost lonely or stagnant feeling?

Most importantly, do you have any spaces (a.k.a. holes!) which you are already planning to set apart for spending quality time with God (a.k.a. holiness!)?

Forward momentum, or growth, especially of the spiritual nature, will not take place if you are over-scheduled, over-committed, or even on the other side of that spectrum - fearful of putting anything on your calendar.

Maybe you’re living with anxiety about what to do next, or a little nervous to say no to things and disappoint people, or are simply wondering how to take your relationship with Christ to the next level.

Or, maybe you’ve even lost a little hope, leaving you no space to dream, create, or to wonder what God’s up to because, again, your schedule is so overpacked that there’s simply no margin for anything new.

Wherever you find yourself in the calendaring game, not creating holes for holiness will leave you in the same place in 2023 as in years that have already gone by - stuck.

And if you’re here, listening to or reading this devotional, I’m going to venture to guess that being stuck is not where you’d like to direct your 2023 energies - amIright?!


In order to live in the fullness of God’s joy and light - especially when it comes to how we spend one of our most precious resources, our time - here's what I want you to think about:

Intentionally creating holes (space & time) which are set aside for holiness (divine wonder, hope, and growth).  

(I mean, it’s literally the title of this devotional so I’m sure you’re not surprised at what I was getting at here, haha.)

But let’s drill down practically. What does it look like to take hold of your calendar and ensure you insert margin, or space, in your days to experience what God wants to offer you specifically?

Let's try an exercise together right now:

  1. Look at your calendar. Whether it's on your phone, on a desk, or written elsewhere, take a peek at the week ahead of you.
  2. Based on the week to come, ask yourself how your time is allocated. What percentage (ish) of your time is for work, family, and just you and God?
  3. Once you have your basic breakdown, consider if this is the balance you want in your days ahead. Does it represent what you would interpret as biblically aligned? If you're in balance and feeling good, amazing! Just like in Chutes & Ladders, you can climb ahead to step 5.
  4. If, like most of us though, you recognize the need to adjust how you're choosing to spend your time, decide right now to make a shift. Truly tell yourself that it's TIME to take back your TIME! Maybe even pause to write that down somewhere visible to remind yourself as time goes on.
  5. Then, start by carving out 15 minute “holes,” 3 times a week, for holiness. And just like we are all very different, the way this looks for us all can vary. Maybe you want to pray, slowly read scripture, take a walk, mindfully stretch, find a few deep breaths, simply listen, meditate, or just be with God. Whatever it is, reserve the time on your calendar NOW to spend it the way you want! Deliberately shifting your calendar back into YOUR control. Intentionally choosing to make holes for holiness!
  6. Lastly, do “future you” a solid and schedule a date 10 days in the future to check back in. Honestly reflect on how this intentionality has helped you think, feel, and behave. And most importantly, how has it connected you with God? Adjust as needed (more time alone, different activities, etc.) but KEEP DOING IT.

The more you choose to create margin, space, or holes in all of your doings, the less anxious and pressured to over commit you’ll begin to feel. A fresh rhythm will begin to emerge between you and God, and naturally, the more you will begin to grow.

AND!  The more you'll treat your time as it is - holy.

Sacred to becoming who God is calling YOU to be. Because, as local author Bob Goff puts it, "God can’t add beautiful things to our hearts if there’s no room in our lives."

Need help getting started or remaining accountable in this practice? Don't do it alone. Enlist a friend, family member, or even someone at church to help you take action (by sometimes NOT taking action, hahaha). Be sure to talk through the thoughts and feelings which accompany the above exercise. Many times we subconsciously don't save space in our calendars because we're avoiding or running from something. Allow those “somethings” to bubble to the surface and ask them questions to discover why you've behaved a certain way.  

And don't stop there. Explore your thinking, create your holes, and see what holiness awaits; I can't wait to hear!!!

I’ll leave you with a great scripture to use in your next “hole” which is found in Romans and reads,

“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.”

- Romans 12:1-2 (MSG)

Now go create those holes!!!

Love you!

Oh! P.S. As always, if you’re looking to fill any calendar space with an Impact activity, we’ve allllllllways got something going on to check out on our registration page HERE. Don’t see something that suits you? Email me and Mita and we can work with you to figure out how to specifically plug you in!

Kyle Moss

I read this devotional
Do You Have Any Holes For Holiness?