Don’t Build Your House On…

Dec 9, 2022

Does anyone remember that old catchy song that goes,

“Don’t build your house on a sandy land, don’t build it too near the shore. Well it might look kinda nice but you’ll have to build it twice, oh you’ll have to build your house once more.”

If you’re singing along right now, you’re welcome, haha! And even if you’re not familiar with the lyrics, I bet you can imagine where the rest of the song takes us.

It continues,

“You better build your house upon a rock. Make a good foundation on a solid spot…”

And wait for it friends. Here’s how the end of this extremely wise children’s church song wraps up (if you’re reading this by the way, you’re gonna want to tune in and listen to this one for the special version of me singing - I promise, I’m like the long lost member of Garden Music):

The song wraps up: “Oh the storms may come and go but the peace of God you will know.”




Am I right?!

Who CAN’T relate to this song?! I mean, who hasn’t had a storm come and go in life at some point? And who hasn’t seen something destroyed and had to start over again from scratch because you cut corners or you didn’t commit to it properly or wholeheartedly?

I think this song perfectly embodies our advent verse today which is John 6:69 and in the Message translation says,

“We’ve already committed ourselves, confident that you are the Holy One of God.”

- John 6:69 (MSG)

Well, the song perfectly embodies this verse IF you’re living with the daily confidence that Jesus is the one and only perfect Son of God.

This age-old kid’s song does an excellent job reminding me that there are so many appealing yet temporary distractions (i.e. opportunities to build our house on the sandy land) from living as if we truly believe that Jesus is who He says He is, the Holy One of God.

And these distractions run deep - especially during this time of year.

During Advent, the four  weeks leading up to Christmas each year, we’re meant to marinate on Jesus’ beautiful arrival to earth all those years ago; but if we’re being honest, this time of year is usually full of even more hurry, busyness, and lack of focus than ever.

Can you think of something (maybe more than one thing…) that’s distracting you right now from remembering the gift of who Jesus is?

There are so many different choices in life that equate to “building your house on the sandy land.” But we all know where these choices lead - destruction.

Sure you can cheat on that test to try to boost your score. But then you get caught and wind up failing instead. Build that house again.

Sure you can skip hours and days of sleep to try to get more done at work. But then you get sick, depleted, and lose brain-power to do the work you need to do well, and fall farther behind instead. Build that house again.

Sure you can rack up your credit card with that huge vacation, new watch, trendy outfit, and oh-so-unique Instagram find (Is that just me or does Instagram know all too well what I like?). But then you realize you’re not able to keep up with the inevitable bills as they flood in and something essential now has to be cut. Build that house again.

And sure, you can let the good ‘ole hustle-and-bustle of this time of year sweep you up into chaos and all-out consumerism. But then you miss out on the peace that Jesus came to offer us so many years ago, which is equally available today as it was originally.

Build that house again.


When you avoid “building on the sandy land” and instead, commit yourself to living as if Jesus is the Holy One of God, there is a “peace of God that you will know.”

And doesn’t that sound oh so good right about now?

Where in your life, my friends, are you cutting a corner and “building your house on the sandy land?” Or, where are you already having to rebuild and start over because you forgot to find the “solid spot?”

Here’s the good news - you can choose to confidently recommit yourself, just like those disciples did in John 6, at any point. Jesus, the Holy One of God, is waiting.

Let today be the day you remind yourself to “build your house on the rock.”

Need some help solidifying your commitment to Jesus as the “Holy One of God?” Serving others can be an amazing way to remind ourselves how to come back into the presence of God. We’ve got LOTS of ongoing and individual Impact events up on our website AND we’re running a Care Kit Drive in December that we’d love your help with! . For easy access, download our Church Center mobile app  HERE . Come chat with me & Mita in the Lobby on Sundays to find out more!

And until then, no matter what storms may be coming and going in your life this Advent season…

May you continue to build your foundation on The Rock, the Holy One of God, and know His peace, now, and forever.


Kyle Moss

I read this devotional
Don’t Build Your House On…