Even Greater Things Than Jesus
“Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.”
- Missionary, William Carey
“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”
- Jesus, John 14:12
I don’t know about you, but the mere idea that we can do greater things than Jesus sounds arrogant and prideful to me. Yet, it was Jesus Himself who said it would happen, not us.
So, what exactly did He mean when He said that we would do greater things than what He did? Was Jesus saying we would have greater supernatural power than what He had?
The answer to that last question is “No!”
We do not have supernatural powers, but what we do have is the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit available to us. That power can change the world.
As a result of the work of the Holy Spirit in and through Christ-followers, both past and present, the Gospel has circumnavigated the globe. From that perspective, we have indeed, through the work of the Holy Spirit, accomplished even more than what Jesus accomplished while here on Earth.
When we read the Book of Acts, we witness the multiplication of the Gospel message. The Gospel spread from tiny beginnings in Jerusalem, out to Judea, Samaria, then into Europe and Asia. It continued to spread to the ends of the earth through all those who have come before us, and we still see the ongoing evidence of that work through each one of us today.
That is if, and only if, we are surrendered to the power of the Holy Spirit at work in and through us. During our most recent meeting of Boardroom, our men’s ministry, on November 4th, Josh Hotsenpiller shared that if we are living a façade on the outside where our faith is not authentic, but simply displaying the religion card, and inwardly there is no evidence of God at work in our life, it will be impossible for us to do greater things than Jesus.
Religion does not make us useful to God.
We can only accomplish greater things when we are in a true, genuine relationship with God through belief in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. When we have a relationship with Jesus, we become vessels available to God to accomplish His work in us and in the lives of those around us.
Here is my prayer: May we be a people of God who are in authentic relationship with Him, who believe and are surrendered to the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
For, when that happens, we will accomplish more for the Kingdom of God than we ever thought possible.
And, believe it or not, even MORE than what Jesus Himself accomplished during His time on Earth.
Pastor Ken