Faithful When We’re Fickle

Jul 21, 2023

Praise the Lord!

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good,

for His steadfast love endures forever!

- Psalm 106:1

I have a question for you. Is there something that you are currently obsessing over, something you are convinced you just NEED to have in your life in order to make life better, easier, or happier for you?

Maybe it’s the best addition to your kitchenware collection, the newest smart home gadget, or possibly the latest and greatest piece of Apple technology. Okay, follow-up question: Was that even on your radar a year ago? Two years ago? Did it even exist? I think, more often than not, the answer to those questions would be “no.” So, what does that say about us?

Sure, it’s telling of our society and the constant forward motion that is almost “required” for us to keep operating and growing, but also, how often do we find ourselves anticipating, practically hyper-fixating, on the next generation of our favorite piece of technology? Then, once the generation after that is released, we forget all about the last one, and it’s on to the next. Humanity has a tendency always to want more. And if we can’t have the best version of more, we will take the version of more that is accessible to us right here and right now in order to feel instant gratification and “fulfillment.”

Simply put, humans can be so fickle for the sake of feeling good.

But this is nothing new. As we read through Psalm 106, it retells the story of the Israelites being rescued from Egypt and how time and time again, they lost sight of the Lord’s favor because they were distracted by what they didn’t have. It talks about how they did not remember the abundance of God’s steadfast love at the Red Sea (106:7), how they forgot His works and did not wait for His counsel (106:13), how they exchanged the glory of God for the image of an ox that eats grass (106:20).

If familiar with this story, then you know that these actions and responses from the Israelites sound pretty ridiculous.

God brought them out of Egypt, parted the Red Sea for their escape, provided them food to eat in the desert, and delivered them from their enemies. Yet, their response is to forget His works, not remember His steadfast love, and exchange His glory for the image of an ox? Practically unbelievable!

But while we can look at this passage with shock, the truth is we have done just the same in our own lives.

We have forgotten the works of our Lord and taken over the reins of our life, instead of waiting on His counsel. We’ve failed to remember His steadfast love and let it dictate whether or not He is faithful in our life. And it may not be for the image of an ox, but how often have you found yourself exchanging the glory of God for an idol in your life?

But, friends, don’t worry, I have some good news for you. In the midst of us following our fickle hearts, God is faithful toward us.

If we look at verses 44 - 46, it says,

Nevertheless, He looked upon their distress,

    when He heard their cry.

For their sake He remembered His covenant,

    relented according to the abundance of His steadfast love.

He caused them to be pitied

    by all those who held them captive.

- Psalm 106:44-46

NEVERTHELESS, God hears our cry.

We may fail time and time again, but NEVERTHELESS, God goes above and beyond for us. NEVERTHELESS, God is faithful when we are fickle.

Friends, create the space in your life to remember and thank God for the times He has picked you back up when you’ve chosen the distracted desires of your human heart.

How blessed are we to be fully loved, fully seen, and fully redeemed by a God who is not faithful because of anything we could have done but because it is simply who He is? That is a reason to praise.

Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel,

    from everlasting to everlasting!

And let all the people say, ‘Amen!’

    Praise the Lord!

- Psalm 106:48

Sammy Denton

I read this devotional
Faithful When We’re Fickle