God Is Justice

Feb 15, 2023

For the LORD is a God of justice! How blessed are all those who long for Him.

- Prophet Isaiah, Isaiah 30:18 (NASB)

"If a person truly knew there was a soft landing place when they fell...I believe that
person would fear falling less than pretending to stand."
- A Pastor

The other day I got my first set of hearing aids.

The first thing I said was, "What's that?! Is it pouring down rain outside?" Candace laughed and said, "No, that's the fan in the bedroom." Wow! It was like someone removed the cotton from my ears and I now had like-Superman hearing. It's a wonderful thing when you have a high sensitivity to the things that matter… unless you're suddenly hearing things that you don't want to hear.

For instance, now - all of a sudden - I'm clearly hearing Candace's frustrations towards me. Like… as she complained about my unfairness with that fan in the bedroom: "Why do you always have it pointed at you?" she complained, "That's unfair." When I didn't respond she accused me of not caring. The truth is, I never heard her say that before… because… I never heard her say that before… she has a very soft voice. Now, I hear it all and sometimes I miss the blessed ignorance of not hearing. (smile)

So, why do I keep my hearing aids in? Because even though I'm hearing more of the bad news - boy oh boy! - now I'm hearing more of the good news as well….

Things like:

"Sweetheart… thank you for doing the dishes last night."...or…

"Honey, I really appreciate you sending that note of encouragement to my Mom."...or…

"Babe, I love how handsome and strong and brilliant you are." (Okay… Candace didn't actually say that… but if she ever does, now, I'll be able to hear it!)

The point is this: If you're willing to hear the bad news, at least with Jesus, you're guaranteed to hear the good news as well! The Bible says that God is justice! Moses declared:

The Rock! God's work is perfect!

For all His ways are just;

A God of faithfulness, without injustice,

Righteous and upright is He."  

- Deuteronomy 32:4 (NASB)

That means God has carved a Standard of Right and Wrong not only into the bedrock of our universe, but also into the hearts of every person. The Apostle Paul said it this way:

We demonstrate that God's law is written in our hearts, for our own conscience and thoughts either accuse us or defend us.

- Romans 2:15

In other words, rarely does anyone need to tell me that I am wrong or unfair - I already know that in my heart. But isn't it true… admitting failure, fault, flaws… admitting the bad news about me… s never easy. Unless… there's a better good news… a grace, a mercy, a forgiveness that can remove that nagging sense of guilt and create a new deep genuine sense "of loving who I am!" Enter Jesus Christ!

Against the perfect standard of God's justice, we have all messed up… royally! That's the bad news! But there's a better good news!

God sent His only Son, Jesus, to pay the penalty of our crimes against God. On the Cross, Jesus satisfied God's justice and offers you and I the gift… the gift of God's righteousness! What I've discovered is this: It's worth hearing the bad news about me… because hearing the Good News makes me feel way better about me than the bad news makes me feel bad.

Listen, this week, why not accept Paul's invitation to examine your heart first? And if it's bad news… give it to Jesus… in exchange for the Good News that you are forgiven and loved by God "just as if you never sinned!"


Pastor Harry

I read this devotional
God Is Justice