Grave Clothes

Nov 30, 2022

If you’re like me, you can recall a specific time when God met you in the middle of your circumstance. But you may also recall going through a time when you didn’t understand what God was doing.

You had so many questions all leading to one: “Why?” When we don’t understand what God is doing, we question Him. In our humanity, we tend to doubt that God is in control and is working behind the scenes of our lives. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Truly, God is always moving and working on our behalf, whether we see it or feel it. But the fact of the matter is, that our trust in Him can waver at times.

And it’s no different in John chapter 11 when Lazarus died. Let me provide some context: Mary and Martha are very confused because Jesus told them that Lazarus would not die. So, after four days of Lazarus being dead, Jesus is navigating Mary and Martha’s pain after losing their brother. The two women are grieved, sad, confused, and frankly, upset. They’ve trusted the Lord up until this point, but now their trust is being challenged because of what they perceive to be a broken promise from Jesus. He comforts them in verse 23 saying, “Your brother will rise again.” Yet Martha still had her doubts.

“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?’”

- John 11:25-26

At this moment, Jesus is confirming His identity to Martha to reactivate her faith in Him.

Maybe you’re like Martha right now, in need of reminding just how great your God is (1 John 1:5). As you read through this devotional may you be reminded of God’s character. That He is good, and His mercy is forever (Psalm 136:1). That He is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). That His plans are to prosper you and not harm you (Jeremiah 29:11).

Or maybe, you’re like Lazarus, in need of a miracle.

Today, put yourself in the story, bring your circumstances to God, and reactivate your faith.

In case you don’t know how this story ends, Jesus arrives at Lazarus’ tomb. He had been dead four days and his body would have already begun to decompose. At the command of Jesus, the stone to his tomb was rolled away and Lazarus came out!

Family, take off your grave clothes and trust that God is still working it out for you!

Som Tami

I read this devotional
Grave Clothes