Have You Heard?

Nov 16, 2021

“And a voice from heaven said, 'This is my beloved son, who brings me great joy!'"

- St. Mark, Mark 1:11

"At the end of my life… if I'm really honest… the most important achievement of my life is undoubtedly my two children."

- Harry Kuehl

Imagine if the hugs, back scratches, lullabies, kisses and smiles from parents could inoculate babies against heartbreak, adolescent angst, and even help them pass their exams decades later. Well, evidence from a new branch of science called epigenetics is revealing the powerful role of loving nurture in a child's infancy. God knows… you cannot start a healthy life journey… or a spiritual journey… on a negative foundation. That's why, our relationship with God the Father begins with "Beloved."

Jesus was 30 years old when He was baptized. According to Mark's Gospel, Jesus has not said a single thing. He has not done a single miracle… He has not delivered one sermon… up until now. Could it be that, until Jesus heard with His own earthly ears that He was the Beloved Son in whom God the Father took great delight, He had nothing to say? Baptism means "to be dipped into." Could it be that until you and I are "dipped into"... totally immersed… to the core of our being, with the good news that we are "the beloved son,” that we are "the beloved daughter" of God the Father… until then, we cannot possibly know who we are, what we were born to do, or how infinitely valuable we are?

I'll never forget the only baptism I ever did inside the walls of Pendleton State Penitentiary in Pendleton, Indiana. Bill Headstrom was an old Golden Gloves boxer from Chicago whose face and body bore all the scars of a life badly lived. This prison had been his home for the past 12 years. Our small church had a monthly prison ministry and Bill had given his life, "for what it's worth," he said, to Jesus. As we stood in the outside courtyard next to the basketball court, underneath an outdoor shower, Bill looked at the 20 or so inmates before him and said,

"I ain't no saint… probably never will be far as I can tell… but the reason I want to get baptized is because I'd like to hear God say to me what He said to Jesus at His baptism: 'This is my Beloved Son, and I take great delight in Him.' I never heard anyone ever say that to me… Ever!"

I turned on the shower… Bill got baptized… we all applauded… And Bill started his new life as "the Beloved of God!"... behind bars.

I'm convinced that the reason people make great mistakes in life is because they never heard what Jesus heard at His baptism.

If you never hear THAT, you'll spend your whole life trying to convince yourself: "I'm OK!"..."I'm Great!"..."I'm Somebody!" But you don't really believe it. That Word has to come from Someone greater than us… from the One who created us.

Here's the Lesson: You've been "dipped into" this one new foundational reality… that by receiving the forgiveness Jesus purchased for you on that cross, you are the "Beloved Son"... You are the "Beloved daughter" of God the Father, and He takes great delight in you today!

So now… Go and shower that good news on the heads and the hearts of all the little ones in your world! AMEN

Pastor Harry

I read this devotional
Have You Heard?