I Hope

Dec 2, 2022

In the movie Shawshank Redemption, Andy says, "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."

Yet, Red responds by saying,

"Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane."

They have different perspectives on hope.

How about you? Is having hope a positive thing, or a negative thing for you?

For some, it can definitely be a negative experience because, at one point in your life, you had hope in someone or something, and it didn't work out the way you wanted. So like Red, having hope can be dangerous. It can be painful. It can be triggering.

However, when we look into God's Word and go through Advent, we are reminded that biblical hope is powerful.

The book of John is really about the greatest hope humanity can have. It was written to help people believe who Jesus was. It highlights how Jesus came from heaven, demonstrating that Jesus is God. So, whenever new Christians ask where they should start in the Bible, I would highly recommend them to begin with the book of John because it provides not only the truth of Christ but the hope we have in Christ, our Savior!

The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.

- John 1:9

When you and I have hope in human beings, how many possessions we have, or how much money we have saved up for retirement, the reality is it's shifting sand. So at one point, we can have all that we hope for, but in another season, we can lose it all.

So, the unique offer of Christianity is that we have a foundational hope that will never change. Jesus becomes our rock, our stability, and security.

How do I know this? Having preached the Gospel to over 15 countries, I have heard testimonies of those who have nothing, and yet feel like they have everything because of Christ. Not only that, this hope we have in Jesus is tried and true through all generations, all nations, and all people groups.

In the movie Shawshank Redemption's closing scene, Red, who initially lived with no hope, ends by hoping.

"I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams… I hope."

It pictures how powerful hope can be.

But as followers of Christ, you and I are given this hope. We have this hope. We have Jesus!

May this advent season fill you with such deep and foundational hope that your 2023 will be different. Amen!

Pastor Sean

I read this devotional
I Hope