In The Rhythm

Nov 21, 2020

Every so often I have to pinch myself as a reminder that 2020 isn’t some figment of my imagination.

There is so much that you can’t count on this year, that any other year was bankable. We just played the Masters in November. We just crowned an NBA champion in October. I tried to buy some lumber recently, and it was mostly out of stock and twice the price it used to be. Every business and restaurant is outside or in the street. I’m losing count of “only in 2020” moments.

At the same time, there is so much I can still count on. Everything in the natural world, from the sun rising to the crickets chirping seems to be happening right on time. I can still count on my kids not knowing who left the toilet seat up. Predictability is still happening in the chaos.

When Paul talks about the fruit of the Spirit of faithfulness, I think he’s encouraging us to be one of those predictable elements of life. A faithful person is as consistent as the sunrise, which in and of itself demonstrates the faithfulness of God.

What about you? Are you consistent and faithful to the obligations and people around you?  

I have found that the trick to sanity this year has been showing up to the same things over and over, whether it’s dinner and a movie on Friday night with the family, or a nightly walk around the neighborhood. There is a safety and a sanity in the rhythm.

The same is true for people. I have found the trick to this year is showing up over and over to the same people. It’s the consistent phone calls, dinners, conversations with a circle of friends, family and neighbors that has given me strength and vice versa. We haven’t always known what to say, but we are there. Faithfulness is better than eloquence.

Let us go live the faithful life. We need it and so do those around us.

Pastor Jared

I read this devotional
In The Rhythm