I’ve Got A Guy For That

Jun 9, 2023

How many of you have that one friend that always makes you laugh?

Or what about the friend that you can count on for the best wisdom and advice? We all know there’s a friend we call when it comes to construction projects around the house (I am not that friend).

Two years ago, my wife and I moved into Westwood, a community right around the corner from the church. Within two weeks of living in our home, I noticed a little pool of water on our living room floor forming from a drip in the ceiling. As I was ready to offer my services of repair, my wife was already on the phone with our friend, Eric, to come over and take a look at the leak. She would do anything in her power to ensure I never hold a power tool in our home. Eric came over, took a look, cut a hole, and next thing I know… gallons of water are pouring out of our ceiling and he’s already coaching me on how we are going to patch and repair the ceiling. Thank God for Eric.

Now, if I’m having a tough day and need to lighten up, my first phone call is going out to Ethan, our Worship Director here at the church. If I need someone to help bring some light and joy to my day and leave my ribcage in agony from laughter, he’s my guy. However, he is definitely not the guy to hold a sledge hammer in my home – trust me – I’ve seen him do demo work in our home.

My point is, we all have friends we look to in moments of need because we know, if we have a certain need, that they are the best suited for fulfilling it.

Psalm 16:9-11 says…

Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay. You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

- Psalm 16:9-11

This Psalm is all about God’s provision, sovereignty, and faithfulness. David reminds us in verse 5 that God alone is our portion and cup. We are challenged to keep our eyes always on the LORD in verse 8.

Now I’m not saying that you should throw away every friend that ever did anything for you and only run to Jesus for everything. I don’t think God is going to take an hour to hang drywall with me in my living room.

But what I do wonder is: When was the last time you took a moment to realize the consistent moments you run to different sources for a lesser version of the security, safety, joy, and longevity that Jesus offers you today?

More often than not, Jesus should be the first person we go to before we pick-up the phone and call a friend, before we pour a drink, or before we turn on the TV.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying don’t call a friend or watch a show, I’m just suggesting that the order in which you cope or handle stress or tension in your life might have room to be refined.

A Go First follower Jesus is one that conditions their habits and rhythms around going to Jesus first.

DJ Brennan

I read this devotional
I’ve Got A Guy For That