Leave The Trees

Aug 18, 2022

Summer is coming to a close, giving us space to reflect on the fun the last few months have held.

Vacations, beach days, warm evenings barbecuing in the backyard. One of the highlights of my summer was a trip to the Grand Canyon with three of my closest friends. I had longed to see this iconic sight for years, begging my friends since our freshman year of college to make the drive with me. But something always came up and got in the way of us making the trek. When our camping trip arrived, I couldn’t believe it! Eight years of anticipation were finally going to come to fruition.

When we arrived at the National Park, we drove through miles of trees, finding our campsite and getting everything set up. We made dinner and sat around for a few hours, waiting for sunset to drive a few miles over to the rim of the canyon. While we admired the forest surrounding our tent, I laughed to my friends, “It’s so beautiful here, we don’t even need to see the canyon!” I kept wondering aloud who was the first person walking through the forest when they suddenly reached a cliff and saw the vast abyss of the canyon. It seemed almost humorous to me that, waiting a few miles away, was this scenic spot. And here we were, chewing on PB&J’s, seemingly unaware.

We walked up the canyon, eyes closed, all opening them together on the count of three. It held up to every anticipation and expectation I had. My jaw dropped, I broke into tears, and couldn’t believe how good our Creator is. We spent 30 minutes vacillating between silently staring, taking mediocre photos, and just gasping aloud to each other.

When we finally returned to our campsite, I noted how funny it was, again, to be in this abyss of trees, just miles from the most incredible view one could ever see. This was when the Lord nudged me, “What if you had thought the trees were all there was?”

Friend, there are areas of life where we are admiring trees, sitting at a campsite, and eating a mediocre sandwich, when God has a Grand Canyon waiting around the corner. There are sins and idols that we think are “pretty beautiful” or “good enough” when God has something breathtaking and GRAND for us, if we just trust Him enough to leave the trees and keep walking.

It’s not always an easy trek to get there. We had to leave the comfort of our campsite, drive on windy roads, and walk several minutes. But when we stepped out in faith, God met us with the most incredible experience of our lives.

I wonder where in your life you’re settling for less than what God has for you. Where are you staying in the comfort of pretty trees, when God wants to give you a Grand Canyon?

I think of the famous story of the woman at the well. A social outcast, known for her promiscuity. Her and Jesus have a powerful interaction where He meets her despite their cultural differences and invites her into more. Initially, she’s focused on the physical water they’re trying to acquire from the well, when Jesus tells her:

…“Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

- John 4: 13-14

The water she was looking for wouldn’t satisfy. Her temporary bandaids and relentless idols wouldn’t give her the peace she needed. But the water of Jesus - relationship with Him? That would bring eternal life, and earthly peace.

She was looking for satisfaction in some pretty trees. He wanted to give her the Grand Canyon.

God has so much more for you, friend. You’re drinking earthly water. You’re looking at some pretty trees. And maybe you’re too scared of leaving where you’re at, where you’re comfortable, to seek something new. Maybe you’re afraid He won’t show up. Maybe you’re afraid it won’t be as good as He promised. Maybe He’s inviting you to trust anyways, to step out in faith and be amazed at what’s in store.

He’s got living water for you. He’s got a Grand Canyon. It’s so much better than the sin, than the money, than the addiction, than the divorce. Don’t let the world lie to you. Step out in faith, leave the trees, and take a look at the view.

God has good plans for you.

Cristina Schmitter

I read this devotional
Leave The Trees