
Aug 30, 2022

"Then Jesus touched their eyes and said, 'Let it be done to you according to your faith.'"

- Matthew 9:29, Jesus

"Your life will either shrink or expand in proportion to your faith."

- John Mason

Last week, in Sunday school, my three year old grandson, Fisher, was listening to his teacher tell the story of creation from the Bible. She said, "OK...In the beginning, God created the earth and the heavens and the sun and the moon and the stars and the oceans and all the animals..."

And then she looked at the class and asked, "So...what else do you think God created?" Immediately, Fisher jumped up and shouted, "Monsters! God created monsters!" (Smile)

Ahhh… the teacher hesitated and said, "OK...but what else did God create?" Again, Fisher jumped to his feet and shouted, "Sharks! God created big sharks!"

By now, all the kids were way more interested in Fisher's theology of creation than the teacher's. But, God bless all the teachers out there who are fighting the good fight to help all our children get their beliefs about Creation and about God… right! Because… beliefs matter! Theology matters! Convictions, values matter! What you and I choose to believe with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength determines both the quality and the quantity of the life we live here on Earth… and in Heaven.

In Matthew 9:27-31, two blind men are walking behind Jesus shouting:

"Son of David, have Mercy on us!"

In fact, they follow Jesus right into the house where He is staying. Suddenly, Jesus turns around and asks them:

"Do you believe I am able to make you see?"

"Yes, Lord," they answered, "We do."

Then Jesus touched their eyes and said,

"Let it be done to you according to your faith."

Then their eyes were opened and they could see Jesus.

I think you and I would agree that there are things you and I believe in the light that become doubts in the dark. You know what I mean? In church on Sunday, we sing:

I'm Gonna See a Victory!

I'm Gonna See a Victory!

Cause the Battle Belongs to the Lord!

We sing that on Sunday… But on Monday…

...when you see that doctor’s report…

...after you blew that interview…

...after that huge mistake…

...when your depression hits really hard…

We sorta lose our singing voice, don't we?

Listen, it's easy to believe God can make the impossible possible when the sun is shining and things are going relatively good. But what makes you and I a "Believer" is not believing something once in a while. A true "Believer" believes in the dark what they believe in the light.

You believe God is a gracious God in the light. Believe that in the dark. When you fail big time, and your failure will not be final!

You believe Jesus loves you and died on a cross to forgive all your sins, because the God who created you wants to live in a personal relationship with you forever. Believe that in the Dark. When a friend betrays you and says horrible things about you, that rejection will not diminish your confidence that you have value and worth beyond measure!

You believe that the God who created you, who is unlimited in power, is for you. Believe that in the Dark. When a loved one dies… when your health fails… when your child is hurt… you will discover…

...A strength in your weakness…

...A solution to the problem…

...A hope in your despair… that will sustain you!

So let me ask you a question: If, right now, with what you're up against… If Jesus suddenly turned, looked at you, and said, "Do you believe I can fix this?" what would you say?

And, if He touched your shoulder and said, "Let it be done to you according to your faith," what would happen?

The truth is, my grandson believes without a shadow of doubt that if God wanted to create monsters, there would be monsters! But then, Fisher has the faith of a child! What about you?

What do you believe your God can do… in the light and in the dark… for you?  AMEN

Pastor Harry

I read this devotional