No Fear

Jan 19, 2023

"There is no fear in love, because perfect love drives out fear."

- St John, 1 John 4:18

"I'm no longer a slave to fear.
    I am a child of God."
- Songwriter, Chris Tomlin

Two weeks ago, Gramma Cookie turned 90 years of age.

Since it was her birthday, Candace asked all the grandkids to send Gramma a note. So Roux, 7 years old, wrote this:

Dere Gramma,
90 years old… Wow! I can't believe you're still Alive!
I hope you have a wonderful day! Happy Birthday!

(Smile) I love that! Sarah showed us the card and suggested we not send it… but Candace and I thought otherwise. Sure enough, Gramma Cookie laughed and said, "Ha! Roux's not nearly as surprised as I am that I'm 90… who woulda thought."

When did we become so overly sensitive about saying what we mean and meaning what we say?

I have never before seen so many people living and acting from a basis of fear. Have you noticed that? We're afraid to be ourselves. We're afraid to speak the truth. I'm afraid you won't like me. You're afraid of what I'm thinking. Fear is like a monster hiding under your kid's bed - its power is fueled not by what's there, but by what might be there… what we imagine could be there. Fear is a dark shadow over the future that reaches back through time and robs me of joy today… because it ignores the Sovereign Greatness of My God.

Several weeks ago, Pastor Jared said something that I am still thinking about. He said, "Fear is the consequence of a busted relationship with God."

"Think about it," he said, "In the beginning, Adam and Eve had a perfect relationship with God and… we see them what?... walking and talking with God in the Garden like they were best friends… without a care in the world." It was only after they rejected God and broke their relationship with Him that the Bible says "they were afraid...and hid."

Now… every time an angel encounters a person in the Bible, what's the first thing they say, "Fear not!" Why? Because our relationship with God has been fractured… it is no longer perfect.

1 John 4:18 says, "Perfect love casts out fear."

"In other words," Pastor Jared said, "If we had a perfect relationship with God, we would have no fear...
... We would not be afraid of rejection because we hear Jesus telling us of His love… of our value… that we are His daughter/His son!
… We would not be afraid of death because, as a Child of God, we know our destiny is Heaven!
… We would not be afraid of losing our job… of losing our health… of losing that relationship because we know our God has an amazing plan for our lives!"

You wanna know why Gramma Cookie laughed - instead of cried?

It's because she's convinced that in comparison to her God, she cannot make her problems small enough.

When we consider the magnitude and majesty of our all-powerful, all-knowing God… when we realize Jesus is here with us no matter what twists and turns our lives take… we find peace! I heard someone say, "We serve a great big God and we are opposed by an itty bitty devil." Let's not get that backwards! Read the Bible! We win!

Listen, the biggest thing you can do heading into this new year is this: Deepen your personal relationship with Jesus! Man… check out CRB! Every church service… every class… every small group… every morning Devotional… is dedicated to one thing:

Helping you go deeper with Jesus because… no fear is the consequence of a real, authentic, honest, personal and happenin' relationship with Jesus!


Pastor Harry

I read this devotional
No Fear