Older In Years, Stronger In Jesus
Some say Psalm 71 was written by David when he was old and gray (verse 18) under the crisis of Absalom’s rebellion.
David by no means was a perfect godly human being. This brother made some significant mistakes and committed hurtful sins.
Yet, while he was older in years and gray-headed, he acknowledges two truths. One, verse 17 says, “God, you have taught me from my youth…” and two, verse 18, “Even while I am old and gray, I will proclaim your power to another generation.” What a testimony!
Through all his mistakes and sins, he admits being taught as a youth that God’s power and wondrous works mattered! This verse, when I read it, excites me about the next-gen ministry at our church. The teaching they receive on Tuesday nights and Sundays all really really matter! It is foundational for a spiritual future.
Our vision is that every one of our 0-18 year olds will one day say, when they are old and gray, “God, you have taught me from my youth!” This is the hope. This is what we are trying to do here, and I love it! Can you hear my excitement!?
Furthermore, Psalm 71 also has a word for those of us older in years. As a Korean American, my culture naturally honors anyone older and gray-headed. It is our culture to bow to anyone older than you, even if by one day or even, get this, one hour! Anyway, David though older, is very intentional about passing his spiritual heritage to another generation. He asked God for continued presence so that he would have the strength to pass Jesus to a new generation.
This is the gift of being in a multi-generational church. Sometimes it is helpful to be age specific, because we have different needs. However, we can’t pass the Gospel to the next generation without being in a multi-generational context.
This passage is deep in my heart because we need so many more adult volunteers to serve our 0-18 year olds. As I oversee the ministries, I sense God will bring more kids and youth to our church. However, the question I am daily praying through is, will we have plenty of Psalm 71 adults to pass Jesus to them? I am not asking here but sharing my prayer request. Would you pray with me that God will send and call Psalm 71 adults to minister to the next generation right in our church?
As I got an opportunity to preach to the youth recently, let me tell you, they are ripe for harvest, they are hungry, and the future is bright for them. I really believe they will become the next generation of spiritual leaders to proclaim Jesus to this generation in ways we have never seen.
Pray with me. Pray for our kids and youth. Pray for Psalm 71 volunteers to rise up. Amen.
Pastor Sean