Only God

Jul 27, 2022

I’ve always had a very competitive nature, from the time I was young to now; it has been passed down from generation to generation in my family.

All I can say is you don’t want to be in the room when we’re playing family UNO! Tension is high, feelings are getting hurt, and everyone has their game face on. In my family, to win in UNO is like winning the World Cup! No wonder I have a competitive edge right?

Well, if I’m being honest, I’d have to say that my competitiveness has translated to multiple areas of my life throughout the years. For as long as I can remember, advancement has always been at the forefront of my mind. Now, that can be a good thing, but also a bad thing. Let me explain, if we’re seeking advancement because we want to please God, our heart posture is aligned with Heaven. But, if we are seeking advancement out of selfish ambition and pride, our hearts are turned inward instead of to the Father.

As I read through Psalm 75, I was reminded of the importance of not seeking myself or the world for my advancement, but to seek the Father. Verses 6-7 says:

For exaltation comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south. But God is the Judge: He puts down one and exalts another.

- Psalm 75:6-7

Listen, only God can take you where you need to go. Now, that isn’t to diminish the fact that we all play a part in making sure we’re prepared and ready for the advancement. But, it is to acknowledge that our posture should be one of alignment and obedience to God. Put it this way: you’re responsible for your obedience, God is responsible for the outcome. Meaning, only God knows exactly where you need to be. Let Him align your steps. If we place too much focus on the “next thing,” we miss what God is doing in the “now.” I say all that to say, only God can align you with what you need, you just have to trust Him.

So, today I pray that you will allow God to orchestrate your steps and align your path. He knows what’s best for you.

Som Tami

I read this devotional
Only God