Over The Moon

Jun 28, 2023

You thrill me, LORD, with all you have done for me!

  I sing for joy because of what you have done.

 - The Psalmist, Psalm 92:4 (NLT)

Sitting on a park bench, a man asked me, "What do you see?"
I said, "I see people walking by."
He smiled and said, "God sees His children… His sons and daughters walking by."
- A Pastor

A short while back, Tyler and Amy said, "Hey Mom and Dad, there's something we want to tell you."

Amy smiled and said, "I'm Pregnant!" Tyler laughed and said, "Yes… and it's something of a surprise." "Maybe to you," I replied, "But not to Jesus… And I'm ‘Over the Moon’ about it!" And we all hugged!

Question: What does an unborn baby have to do with outer space?... with being ‘Over the Moon’?

Answer: Because sometimes a simple message can be a compelling open window that points beyond itself to something more!

The ancient Hebrews believed that every experience we have in this place called "Earth" always points beyond itself to something more!

You know what I'm talking about....

    … Maybe you were holding your first newborn baby...

    … Or maybe you were listening to a favorite song performed live...

    … Or maybe you were sitting in a boat off Point Loma when suddenly a blue whale surfaced right beside you...

    … Or maybe you were watching a 3 year old laughing and shouting as he ran through the water spouts of a downtown waterpark in his underpants...

    … Or maybe you were looking into the eyes of a best friend… as he prepared to board a plane for his new home in Boston...

...And in that moment., you became acutely aware… of something more… of something just below the surface of whatever it was you were experiencing that created this depth of feeling – this intensity of emotion – and suddenly you were choked up, right there, in front of the whole world.

Sometimes it catches you off-guard. Sometimes it sneaks up on you from behind and it's like your heart is slamming on the brakes while your head whispers to you, "This matters…. This is significant… slow down… pay attention!"

In Psalm 92, the Ancient Hebrew declared,

It is good to give thanks to the LORD,

  to sing praises to the Most High.

- Psalm 92:1 (NLT)


[Because] You thrill me, LORD, with all you have done for me.

  I sing for joy because of what you have done.

- Psalm 92:4

This Ancient Hebrew believed that everything you and I know to be everything that is… exists… because of an explosive power, an expansive presence, a surprising goodness, a cosmic electricity, a creative love, a joyful energy, that surges through all things, holding everything together, and giving the entire universe a depth and a fullness that is real and present in every moment….

And the Hebrew called this Divine life force… Yahweh!

And that's why – sometimes – whether you're doing the dishes, or washing your car, or walking the dog… the eyes of your soul suddenly see that there's something more going on here than meets the eye! And that's why I said, in response to Amy's announcement, "I'm 'Over the Moon' about the baby!" "Oh Dad," Amy smiled, "I'm so glad you feel that way ‘cuz Ty and I are just a little overwhelmed.... So happy… but just a little overwhelmed."

Oftentimes the difference between being "Over the Moon" or "Under the Weather" is simply a matter of seeing… of seeing what the ancient Hebrew saw:

Beneath every overwhelming circumstance is a powerful, creative, sustaining source, called God, who will empower you, energize you, thrill you and sustain you through it all!


Pastor Harry

I read this devotional
Over The Moon