Practicing The Fear Of The Lord

Jul 27, 2023

Have you ever wondered what it means to “fear the Lord”?

Whenever we think of the word “fear”, our minds may go to something or someone we are afraid of. Something we never want to happen, or situations that would make us feel very nervous or scared. We may even recall situations in our past where we have acted out of fear or have been motivated to do something because we feared the consequences if we didn’t.

For me, my mind quickly goes to the childhood fear of public speaking. I would do everything I could to avoid having to give a speech or getting called on in front of the class. My fear of what others thought about me in these situations caused my stomach to turn, my heart to race, and my face to blush. It was a crippling anxiety that made me want to hide… and something, as an adult, I still often have to overcome.

But what exactly does “fear of the Lord” mean? Psalm 111 is a beautiful passage that gives us a glimpse into not only what it is, but how we practice it in our daily lives. Psalm 111 reads,

Praise the LORD!

I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart,

   in the company of the upright, in the congregation.

Great are the works of the LORD,

   studied by all who delight in them.

Full of splendor and majesty is his work,

   and his righteousness endures forever.

He has caused his wondrous works to be remembered;

   the LORD is gracious and merciful.

He provides food for those who fear him;

   he remembers his covenant forever.

He has shown his people the power of his works,

    in giving them the inheritance of the nations.

The works of his hands are faithful and just;

   all his precepts are trustworthy;

they are established forever and ever,

   to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness.

He sent redemption to his people;

   he has commanded his covenant forever.

   Holy and awesome is his name!

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;

   all those who practice it have a good understanding.

   His praise endures forever!  

- Psalm 111 (ESV)

Verse 1 tells us that fear of the Lord looks like praising Him with our whole heart alongside our fellow believers.

It is in the company of our brothers and sisters in Christ of all the places we should feel free and unashamed to worship God, to honor Him with all that we are, and to fix our thoughts completely on Him. When we are shoulder-to-shoulder praising God with one voice, we are practicing the fear of the Lord in our lives. Instead of hiding in shame over our weaknesses, or overthinking what others think of us, we are joyfully thanking the Lord for who He is. We are reminding ourselves that the God who made us is deserving of our whole heart in worship.

Verses 2-9 tell us that fear of the Lord looks like remembering God’s works in our lives.

We practice the fear of the Lord by studying and delighting ourselves in what God has done. What has God done in your life that has stopped you in your tracks and left you completely in awe of Him? How has He provided for you and your family in ways you never could have imagined? How has He transformed your heart to show others the power of His grace and mercy? This Psalm is saying the person who fears God remembers those moments. They don’t forget them but cherish them again and again as opportunities to praise God’s name!

The longer we live, the harder it is to count all of God’s works in our lives. Through the gift of scripture, He has caused His greatest work in our life to be remembered forever and verse 9 says it so simply: “He sent redemption to His people.

We walk in fear of the Lord when we rest in the redemption we have in Jesus.

We belong to God’s family now and this is all because of Christ! He is going to finish this work that He started in us.

Let’s leave our fears at His feet and remember His promise today:  

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have good understanding.

- Psalm 111:10 (ESV)

Matty Garcia

I read this devotional
Practicing The Fear Of The Lord