Psalm 20

May 24, 2022

I was talking to a friend the other day who told me that his daughter had gone in, earlier that day, for an MRI following weeks of chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer. They were waiting to find out the results. All of us had been praying for her. It was not difficult to hear the concern in his voice or see the tension in his face. Suddenly his phone rang… "Yes," he answered. Without words… tears filled his eyes and a smile split the sadness… as he threw his arms around me and whispered, "It's gone… The battle's won."

In 2 Samuel 10, King David is faced with a battle he did not choose… a battle that he did not want! A multitude of nations have risen up against Israel and are threatening to attack and destroy them. In order to protect God's people, David mobilizes an army of Israel's sons to go out and fight an enemy that out-numbers Israel in both chariots and professional soldiers. The people of Israel are desperate with worry… for their king and their sons. As King David and his army stand up to fight, God's people kneel down to pray. They pray… Psalm 20:

In times of trouble, may the LORD answer your cry.

May the name of the God of Jacob keep you safe from all harm.

May He send you help from His sanctuary

and strengthen you from Jerusalem.

May He remember all your gifts and look favorably on your sacrifices.

May He grant your heart's desires

and make all your plans succeed.

May we shout for joy when we hear of your victory

and raise a victory banner in the name of our God.

May the LORD answer all your prayers.

- Psalm 20:1-5

Who do you know today is going through the trial of a lifetime? You don't have to look very far these days to find someone who’s up against a battle that they did not choose or a battle they do not want.

Feeling overwhelmed, out-numbered, and under-resourced, they do, however, have one very powerful weapon… You! A praying friend!

After the initial emotion of my friend's good news passed, he told me he had had a dream the night before where he said, "After the darkest of times, the sun finally broke out… the pain subsided… the battle was won. And as I thanked the LORD for the victory, the LORD said, "I was only answering the desperate prayer of a kneeling, persistent, friend!" Then he looked at me and said, "Thank You!" Because, like the praying people of Israel, my friend could now finish Psalm 20:

Now I know that the LORD rescues His anointed one.

He will answer from His holy heaven and rescue him by His great power.

Some nations boast of their chariots and horses,

but we boast in the name of the LORD our God.

Our enemies will fall down and collapse,

but we will rise up and stand firm.

- Psalm 20:6-8

If you know someone today who is feeling overwhelmed and out-numbered… give him or her what they need most… the faithful prayer of a persistent friend:

Give victory to my [Friend], O LORD! Answer our cry for Help!

- Psalm 20:9


Pastor Harry

I read this devotional
Psalm 20