Psalm 26

May 31, 2022

"Declare me innocent, O Lord, for I have acted with integrity..."

- King David, Psalm 26:1

"Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that confidence, do our duty as we understand it."

- Anonymous

It is possible that David penned this psalm when he was persecuted by King Saul, who, jealous of David's growing popularity with the people of Israel, presented David as a very bad man and falsely accused him of disloyalty and crimes against the crown. What do you do when someone in a position of significance has wrongly and unfairly accused you of something bad that you did not do? Have you ever had your reputation damaged by a false accusation? It is one of the most painful experiences you'll ever have.

During my Sophomore year of high school, I shared a locker with another student. Only he and I knew the combination to that locker. So, when his wallet came up missing, he immediately accused me of taking it. Before I even had a chance to defend myself, he told everyone that I had stolen his wallet. It was the most helpless feeling in the world. The more I tried to defend myself, the guiltier I looked. It's weird… you know they talk about guilt by association, but there's also guilt by accusation… which means, I felt a twinge of guilt simply because someone was pointing an accusing finger at me - and I was totally innocent!

After walking under an agonizing cloud of suspicion for two weeks, I heard the good news that the school janitor found the wallet while sweeping under that wall of lockers and had turned it into the office. But, the damage to my reputation had been done. What do you do when your reputation has been unfairly damaged by false accusation… when people are saying things about you that just aren't true? In Psalm 26, David teaches us five principles for peace in persecution:

1st: Find consolation in God's vindication. Think about yourself the way God thinks about you.

Declare me innocent, O Lord,

for I have acted with integrity;

I have trusted in the Lord without wavering (v.1)

2nd: Stand up for yourself. Say, "They are wrong, and I'm taking my life and reputation back!"

Put me on trial, Lord...test my heart...

For I have lived according to your truth (v.2-3).

3rd: Stop reacting to the rumors. You give it legs by reacting to it. Do life with people who know and love you!

"I do not spend time with liars and hypocrites...

and refuse to join in with the wicked (v.4-5).

4th: Avoid catastrophic language. This is not the end of the world. It's the darkness just before a new dawn!

I wash my hands to declare my innocence.

I come to your altar, O Lord,

singing a song of thanksgiving,

and telling of all your wonders (v.6-7).

5th: Be your own best friend. Walk with your head up because you know who you are in Jesus!

I lead a blameless life;

deliver me and be merciful to me.

My feet stand on solid ground,

And I will publicly praise the Lord! (v.11-12)

Ha! You can already hear it in David's voice. David knows that who his accusers say he is is drowned out by who Jesus Christ says he is! David knows… and so will you! AMEN

Pastor Harry

I read this devotional
Psalm 26