Psalm 50

Jun 28, 2022

"Call on Me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory."

- God, Psalm 50:15

"When words cannot convince my mind of what I need to know... worship often can. God speaks to my mind in words, but He whispers to my soul in worship."

- A Pastor

Psalm 50 is described as a "Psalm by Asaph." Asaph, the son of Berechiah, was a Levite musician appointed by King David to "preside over the service of song in the house of Yahweh" (1Chronicles 6:31, 39). David wrote the psalms, but Asaph put them to music. We have DJ and his team to lead us in worship on Sundays… David had Asaph.

David knew the power of worship to penetrate the human heart with truths from God that might otherwise simply bounce off our minds.

On more than one occasion, David was thrown into a crisis of identity by the accusations and indictments of people and powers stronger than him. With his confidence on shaky ground, David would slip into the Temple unannounced and ask Asaph to sing. And so, picking up the harp, Asaph would sing Psalm 50:

The LORD, the Mighty One, is God,

And He has spoken;

He has summoned all humanity

from where the sun rises to where the sun sets.

- Psalm 50:1

So… what would God speak in song that would restore David's confidence in who it is that God said He is? Maybe verse 7:

O my people, listen as I speak...

I am God, YOUR God!

Or maybe verse 15:

Call on me when you are in trouble

and I will rescue you,

and you will give me glory.

Or again verse 23:

Keep to my path,

And I will reveal my salvation to you.

Three weeks ago, I met with a young person whose sense of identity was wrecked by another person's brutal opinion of her. As I reminded her of who she is in Jesus, I could sense that those truths were not doing a lot to help her devastated heart. So I invited her to put on her earbuds and I pulled up Lauren Daigle's song, "You Say," on her iPhone:

I keep fighting voices in my mind that say I'm not enough

Every single lie that tells me I will never measure up

Am I more than just the sum of every high and low

Remind me once again just Who I Am, because I need to know

You say I am Loved

When I can't feel a thing

You say I am Strong

When I think I am weak

You say I am held

When I am falling short

When I don't belong

You say I Am Yours

And I Believe

I Believe

What You say of me

I Believe

The only thing that matters now is everything You think of me

In You I find my worth,

In You I find my Identity

As tears began to run down her face, I could see that worship was whispering God's truth to her heart that she had forgotten. When she opened her eyes, I told her there were three things that she needed to remind her heart of every morning… three things that God was speaking about who she is… about who you are… about who I am…

1. "I am worthy!" I am a person of immense value. Jesus gave His life on a cross to save mine.

2. "I matter!" I have a purpose - a Raison D'etat - a Reason for Being. I was created by God to make a significant contribution to life on this planet. And if I don't, I will be missed!

3. "I belong here!" My presence here is no accident. It is no fluke. No act of random chance. The Creator of Heaven and Earth designed a whole world specifically for me as my home. I belong here because I belong to Him… as a a Son!


Pastor Harry

I read this devotional
Psalm 50