Psalm 56
"My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help. This I know. God is on my side."
- David, Psalm 56:9
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, receives the impossible."
- Corrie ten Boom
One of the things I admire most about King David is that, when the chips are down, and his back is up against the wall, David can still see the unmistakable evidence of God's presence with him. When no one else can see God, David does. His faith that God is on his side, even in the most desperate of circumstances, even when the trouble was David's own doing, allowed him to see God helping him. No wonder David stayed hopeful in the darkest of times.
Let me ask you a question: If Jesus showed up in your life right now, would you recognize Him? In John 12, the most religious people of the day missed Jesus when He showed up on their doorstep. On the day Jesus entered Jerusalem on the back of the donkey, His journey led Him right past the entrance to Herod's Temple. The Scriptures say that the Pharisees were upset… probably because this noisy parade disturbed their church service. I can hear them complaining…
..."What is all this noise?!"
..."You're disturbing the High Priest!"
..."We're having a very important prayer service. We're praying for the Messiah to come!
..."By the way, who's the guy on the donkey?"
Jesus came to their town… and they missed It! The Messiah passed right by their door when they were inside praying for Him to come. Why? Because, unlike David, they did not believe that God was with them and for them right now!
So, let me ask you again: If Jesus showed up in your life today… would you recognize Him?" Cause here's the point… He has!
Jesus is with you and He is for you and He is on your side right now as we speak! Listen… you just need to take a lesson from David and believe it! Believe that Jesus is on your side right now and working to do what you cannot do.
You will begin to see Him. And when you do… it will make you smile! AMEN
Pastor Harry