
May 27, 2023

Just last week my family all took turns feeling under the weather. None of us were too sick -- thank you, Jesus – but enough to lose some sleep, miss some school and work, and have to re-arrange our schedule more than once.

It might be because I had a little more time than usual that these rearrangements made me think about how I react when things end up going differently than planned. Because it’s when, things don’t go as planned, not if, as I like to say all the time.

So, when they do, do I panic? Do I shift unhappily? Allow overwhelm to set in?


Do I allow God the space He needs to deepen my trust in Him?

I imagine that we’ve all been in a similar situation. Someone gets sick, there are some undesirable changes at work, or something out of your control happens to you or in the life of a family member. All resulting in the need to roll with the (seemingly undesirable) punches.

How do you typically react? Do you roll with them? Or, do you fight the changes and try so hard to stay the original course, no matter the cost?

What do you do when life throws you an unavoidable re-route? And how do we use the inevitable changes in life to create an even stronger spiritual foundation?

As I navigated my recent re-route – my kiddos not feeling well, the loss of sleep, missing work, and of course, the now not feeling well myself – something cool happened.

God made Himself wonderfully recognizable, as He always does of course, in a small but perfectly positioned way.

And I’m hoping His guidance can help you, just like it encouraged me!

Here’s what happened:

Part of my daughter’s homework each week is to practice and memorize a Bible verse. Usually she has already written it down in class herself but, for some reason, she hadn’t written it so I had to look it up on Google Classroom for her. Because I was more involved in this weekly process than usual, we ended up reading it together. And here’s what it said:

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

- Philippians 4:6-7 (NJKV)

I love how beautifully obvious God is sometimes. This verse was perfectly timed and the exact advice I needed as I continued to maneuver, step by step in faith, through my current re-route.

When we choose to position ourselves in an open-minded and curious posture, He can (and will!) remind you, daily, how to handle each and every re-route He already knows is coming your way.

So, I ask you, friends, in your own moments of being re-routed, what (or whom!) do you draw on for strength, guidance, and support?

No matter what uncertainty, change, or unknown situation is making you re-route your plans today, His perfect words can and will continue to serve as “a lamp for your feet and a light for your path” (Psalm 119:105) if you let them.

One day, one situation, and one re-route at a time!

Love you!

Kyle Moss

I read this devotional