Remember The Wonders He Has Done

Jul 20, 2023

“How do I keep moving forward? How do I keep trusting Him?” I asked my curly-haired friend as tears filled my eyes.

“You remember all the times He showed up for you before,” she smiled back, “You remember the moments where God was more real than ever. And you keep going.”

This conversation has stuck with me for a long time. I was being encouraged by a friend during a difficult season of life. One where it felt hard to feel or see God. I KNEW He was there, but I felt so alone because of the wilderness I was walking through.

Have you been there? Pummeled by the waves of life, the job loss, the heartbreak, the sickness. It’s funny that in the moments where we need God the most, we often run to other idols to find comfort. Our fear makes us wonder if He’ll show up. Our need for control pushes us into sin. But God invites us to remember.

Psalm 105 recounts God’s faithfulness.

In 45 powerful verses, the Psalmist praises God and, in great detail, reflects on the covenants He made, the plagues He sent, and His powerful delivery of Israel out of captivity.

This historical event is so powerful because not only does it showcase God’s power at that time, but it foreshadows the ultimate freedom from the captivity of sin that would come years later through the Messiah. Moses led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, just as Jesus led all people out of the bondage of sin.

Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name;

    make known among the nations what he has done.

Sing to him, sing praise to him;

    tell of all his wonderful acts.

Glory in his holy name;

    let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.

Look to the Lord and his strength;

    seek his face always.

Remember the wonders he has done,

   his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced,

you his servants, the descendants of Abraham,

   his chosen ones, the children of Jacob.

- Psalm 105:1-6

“Remember the wonders He has done.” The conversation with my friend echoes the powerful words from Psalm 105. Remember. Remember. Remember.

When we’re on the mountain top remember. When we’re in the valley remember.

When the account balance goes up, remember. When the diagnosis is poor, remember. Remember His faithfulness because it never relied on your circumstances anyway.

So when life is easy, I list all the reasons God is good to help me remember. And when life feels harder than ever, I also remember. I put on the old playlist, the one that reminds of the first few years of following Jesus. I reread the old prayer journals and remember all the times He has answered. I look at the birds flying through the air, the grass slowly growing, the grin of my niece - and I remember.

I give Him praise. His goodness was never reliant upon my circumstances. His promises never cease. Remember the wonders He has done. I pray you would spend some time remembering today. And I pray your heart will be full.

His goodness is with you, you just have to remember.

Cristina Schmitter

I read this devotional
Remember The Wonders He Has Done