
Apr 1, 2023

Over the last several weeks, our hyper-focus in Impact has been what we’re calling, “Youth Wellbeing.”

Ultimately, this means we place an extraordinarily high value on identifying the needs of and encouraging our young neighbors. We want to ensure we play an active role in restoring and promoting their overall health & wellness.

We want to make sure the youth of our community are seen.

So, in the last eight weeks we’ve assembled over 3,000 care kits, distributed thousands of handwritten notes of encouragement, packed more than 13,000 meals, and more! All in partnership with eight specific community organizations whose missions are to help youth across San Diego feel included, taken care of, and thrive.

In today’s passage of Luke, we meet Jesus as he heals, forgives, & preaches while on his way through Jericho to Jerusalem with his disciples.

We watch him heal a blind man, interact with Zacchaeus, and then, tell a story about money management.

In short, we’re watching Jesus see people. All on His way to the cross.

He sees the blind man on the side of the road in need of healing.

He sees Zacchaeus in need of restoration.

He sees His disciples in need of instruction.

He sees us - where we are, when we are, and in whatever state of need we are.

Just like our strive to be good neighbors who go first in bringing Heaven to earth one kit-packing and note-writing opportunity at a time, Jesus reminds us here in Luke to open our eyes, and recognize those around us who are just waiting to be seen.

And I love watching Him work, don’t you? His choices provide a multitude of powerful examples of how we can strive to behave in our day to day. Namely, how we can slow our pace and see people.

Many times in our culture being young can mean being overlooked. This is why we’ve kickstarted 2023 by doubling down on the importance of serving our young brothers and sisters in Christ.

If Jesus, who in Luke 19 is just a few chapters away from going to the cross - his most important work here on earth - can stop to see people like the blind man and Zacchaeus, then you better believe we are called to do the same in our daily lives.

So, my friends, just like we say in all of our devotional introductions,

how can you actually slow your pace today, open your heart, and notice those around you whom God has put there just for you to see?

Love you!

P.s. Shout out to my brother Mitch, one of my best friends and biggest supporters, whose birthday it is today. Love you, little bro!

Kyle Moss

I read this devotional