Software Updates Are Important
My wife isn’t exactly “tech savvy.”
At one point, I found her plugging her Macbook into her iPhone charger brick because she figured it fits, so it works. She feels the need to say, “Thank you, Siri”, after every request just because she believes if Siri ever becomes self-aware, she will remember that Anna was kind to her. This is my life, and I love it!
Part of not being technically inclined means that my wife never updates her apps, computer, or phone. She will come to me and say that her phone is “broken” only for me to find out that she has 120 app updates pending and an iOS from 2004. The great part of it is that I can be the hero and magically fix all of her problems with one little button…
You and I could be described as a combination of hardware and software. We have the things that make up our physical appearance and build, as well as the “applications” running in our minds that dictate what the hardware does. Both are important, and both are in need of constant maintenance, care… and updates.
So how do we make sure that we are always updating and progressing in the right direction as Christ followers? How do we become more aware of the gap between what we are doing now, and where we want to be as followers of Jesus?
Paul says this…
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
- Romans 12:1-2
I know that if I’m not actively wanting to grow, I will be passively moving in the wrong direction.
Being “conformed to the world” is often a term we use that makes me squirm a bit. Sometimes, I feel like we use it as this idea that the world is big and bad, and we need to run away from it as fast as we can. No. Paul is saying if you aren’t aware, you might say you want to look more like Jesus, but you’ll look like everyone around you.
So, how do we live a life of renewal? How do we go from not just saying we want to worship and honor God in all we do, but actually do it?
Not to make a cheesy analogy connection, but when your phone makes an update it’s because it’s connected to a source that has information that needs to override the current information on your device. This is the same thing as Jesus. You and I need to have moments where we connect to God and ask Him, is there anything that I'm thinking or doing consciously, or unconsciously, that needs to be overwritten by your ways?
What I’ve discovered, as I get older, is the amount of times I say: “That’s just the way I am”, or, “That’s just how I do it.” I have also discovered I say things a lot less like: “Jesus, who do you say I am?”, or, “Jesus, how would you do this?” No matter how old you are, no matter how long you have or have not been following the ways of Jesus, we have to daily choose to allow Jesus to renew and override our ways in order for us to continue to learn his. Worship isn’t just something we do. It’s something that transforms us.
Let’s make some room for the transformation of Jesus today. My challenge to you is that you would say, “God, I’ve always done it this way, but what way would You have me do it? Is there an area of my life that I need to update and see You transform me?” The best part is, as we do that, we aren’t just growing to be more like Jesus, we are also participating in true worship.
DJ Brennan