Surrendered Heart For Worship

Jul 1, 2023

Today we are reading from Psalm 95 verses 1-2:

Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord;

   let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.

Let us come before him with thanksgiving

   and extol him with music and song.

- Psalm 95:1-2

One of my favorite parts of church is worship.

The sound of voices united, drums pounding, and feeling unabandoned in spirit. At a recent worship night, I entered with that same anticipation, expecting to be transformed.

All the pieces were in place, our phenomenal Garden Music ready to enter the stage, a room full of hearts ready to be led, and a God so deservedly ready to be worshiped.

We continue reading from Psalm 95:

For the Lord is the great God,

   the great King above all gods.

In his hand are the depths of the earth,

   and the mountain peaks belong to him.

The sea is his, for he made it,

   and his hands formed the dry land.

- Psalm 95:3-5

As I stood there my eyes began to wander the room and my thoughts were swirling about. The setting had all the right pieces in place for the experience I desired and needed, but something was missing.

I could hear the words coming out of my mouth, but I wasn’t having that “feeling” I expected.

I looked around wondering why I seemed removed from what everyone else was experiencing.

This Psalm reminds us that true worship goes beyond an expectation that one may have as they enter that space. “Hey God, I got ready, drove to church, grabbed my coffee, and I am here – so do Your stuff!”

Friends, a true worship experience has an expectation of each of us to enter the space with a sense of joyfulness and submission to God – meaning: surrender the world so you can praise with your whole heart.

We aren't receiving worship, we are giving it.

Wow, can you say it with me: mind blown!

I am not trying to offend anyone, but how many times do we stand in a place and expect God to do something to make us feel better?

That worship night, I was waiting instead of submitting. I was expecting, but not surrendered.

Psalm 95 continues:

Come, let us bow down in worship,

   let us kneel before the Lord our Maker;

for he is our God

   and we are the people of his pasture,

   the flock under his care.

- Psalm 95:6-7

When we begin to comprehend WHO it is we worship, our Maker and Creator of all, that knowledge will alter our posture of worship. In a world that screams consumerism and “take what you need”, adapting the concept of surrendering will take effort and committment.  

Friends, when I entered the space of worship that evening, God was ready to receive but I needed to be willing to let go of my agenda, open my heart and worship with an undivided focus.

My “busy brain” was prohibiting that worship that God deserved. I think that is the irony in my experience that night – I wanted all the feels of a worship experience but I had to be willing to do something – surrender EVERYTHING to let God in completely.

Friends, doesn’t our Creator deserve more from us? To approach each moment with Him completely available and uncluttered. My heart breaks thinking I would give any less to my Savior who gave it all for me.

I pray as you enter that space of worship this week, there would be nothing that would stand before you and a God who truly deserves ALL of you.

Pastor Heidi

I read this devotional
Surrendered Heart For Worship