The Power of Excuses

Sep 30, 2022

The top five most used excuses, according to an article in the New York Post, are:

I'm too tired: 49%
I don't have enough money: 48%
I don't have enough time: 48%
It's too inconvenient: 31%
I'm too forgetful: 28%

For me, the one that I often use is: I don't have enough time! What about you? Which one do you resonate with?

In the origin story of Moses in Exodus 4, God clearly gives His call for Moses' life: Go and free the millions of people in slavery. What a call, right? It is also a needed work to free those in captivity. Basically, it is to help people.

However, how does Moses respond?

In Exodus 4, Moses gives three big excuses:

1.   They will not believe me or listen to my voice.
2.    I am not eloquent, but I am slow of speech and of tongue.
3.    Please send someone else.
- Exodus 4:1-14

Imagine you have the opportunity to free those who have been in slavery for 400 years. It's like you winning a billion dollars, and you can help by giving $400,000 to really help someone. It is kind of a no-brainer!

But I get it. Moses was in the desert for 40 years. He was being pruned, refined, and humbled. So he really doesn't trust himself… at all. However, that's the best place for him and us, isn't it? The ideal posture of our hearts should always be: I do not trust myself, but I only trust in God. Yes, God can use me, but my faith is only in Jesus!

What excuses are you making these days?

Our culture might tell us to love ourselves more and become more confident. But God's prescription is to actually lose all trust in self, and gain a greater trust in our Savior.

How might this look for Moses?

1.   They may not believe me or listen to my voice. But, it is okay, because I want them to believe in God and to listen to God's voice.
2.   I am not eloquent. But, it is okay, because God will give me the words to say, and God will work in the hearts of the people.
3.   God doesn't have to use me, but He wants me to participate and join Him. God has   given other people gifts and will use others. And that's okay. But, I want to be part of God's plan of redemption.

For me, when the excuse of "I don't have enough time" comes up, God is teaching me to say instead, "Be faithful, prioritize, and trust God with the rest." To put it another way: Love God, follow Jesus, and do the next right Kingdom thing.

The power of excuses is that they will deter you from being faithful to God's present calling for you.

Today, ask for God's power, trust in His grace, and be faithful. God sees your heart and loves it! Amen!

Pastor Sean

I read this devotional
The Power of Excuses