The Power of Place

Sep 16, 2022

There is a book called, The Power of Place, by Daniel Grothe.

He says the following:

Unlike previous generations that had to stay put, many people today have unprecedented access to a lifestyle of mobility. We can explore and bounce from place to place, never settling down or making anywhere home. And while it feels freeing to be able to try something new whenever we want--whether it's a new job, a new city, a new group of friends, or even a new church--somewhere along the way, we discover we're missing something. We may be paying our bills and have a roof over our heads, but we're lonely and unfulfilled, disconnected and unsatisfied. What's that all about? What is the missing piece?

The book's main point is to embrace the richness of commitment and community.

But the question that most of us have is: Will I be stuck by staying?

As we go through the origin story of Moses in Exodus 3, we see that Moses sees a burning bush. His response in verse 4 is, "Here I am." God responds, "Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground."

Moses had been in the desert, in the wilderness of the mundane, for 40 years. I'm sure, like us, he asked himself many times, "Will I be stuck by staying?" Is this all there is for me? It seems like my peers and friends are getting new opportunities and better jobs? Everyone is getting married, having babies, and growing a family… What about me? Why am I not getting the highlight-worthy situations?

Will I be stuck by staying?

Daniel Grothe again says, "Sometimes the most significant thing you can do is stay in a place - stay for the long haul, stay and give your life away for the good of these people in this place."

In many ways, Moses had no choice but to be in the desert for all those years. However, he had the power to choose. He could sulk and complain. Or, just as he did, he could take action by going to the burning bush. He took action by proclaiming, "Here I am."

I believe this is all because of the power of place. Once you and I decide, in God's sovereignty, the work that I have, the home I live in, the family I belong to, and the church I go to is the place GOD has for me; this is when everything changes. First, our mindset changes. We are no longer asking, will I be stuck by staying? Instead, we will ask, how can I plant my life here? How can I root myself deeper in my work, family, church, and community for the sake of the gospel and community?

Friends, I want to encourage us today by reminding us that the grass is never greener on the other side because God has called you and me to faithfulness. To faithfully grow the grass and root ourselves where we are today. It may not be the most highlight-worthy situation, but it will produce a deeper experience with Jesus and your community.

How do you do this?

Start by praying genuinely today, “Lord, here I am. Use me.”


Pastor Sean

I read this devotional
The Power of Place