The Rock That Is Higher Than I

Jul 11, 2022

Today I want to focus on a singular line from David’s cries in Psalm 61.

In verse 2, he calls out to God, saying, “Lead me to a rock that is higher than I.”

I have never climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, nor have I scaled the peak of Half Dome in Yosemite National Park. However, I personally know people who have, and one thing I remember clearly were the explanations of what it took to reach the pinnacles of these two majestic mountains. For Mt. Kilimanjaro, it required sherpas and guides to lead the way, carefully working your way up the slope, or reaching the peak would have never happened. For Half Dome, ropes were necessary to ascend the steepest portions. They provided a means to work your way up the most difficult portions of the mountain.

I do remember climbing Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina with Pam’s sister and brother-in-law. While not the highest mountain, it did require ascending ladders in some places to work your way up and over rocky portions to reach the peak. Without the ladders, we would not have made it. Candidly, even with the ladders, I sometimes wondered if the peak was accessible to us.

However, once we got to the top, it was worth every effort, for the views were breathtaking.

I tell you this because in Psalm 61, verse 2, David is not talking about sherpas, guides, ropes, or ladders to reach the peak of some mountain, but, in this case, he is talking about getting help from the Only One who can lead us to THE ROCK that is higher than I. This is not a rock we can reach on our own, regardless of the assistance we receive from other people or earthly tools.

This is the Rock, that place of true security and refuge, that is only found, and is only accessible through the leading, guidance, strength and help of our God.

Throughout the Psalms, including Psalm 18:2, 31:2, 62:2, 71:3 and 94:22, God is referred to as the Rock, the Refuge, the Fortress, the Strong Tower, and the Salvation. He is the Only One we can run to and feel totally safe and secure. He is the Rock that is Higher than I.

Friends, when life is hard and the world is beating you up and pushing you down, pressing in on every side, there is no earthly help that can bring a true sense of safety and security. Only God can lift us out of the mud and mire and bring us peace, hope and joy, regardless of our circumstances. Only He can lead us to Himself, the Rock that is Higher than I.

When we are down and troubled, run to God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, who is sovereign over all that is. For when we do, we will know that He is our Rock, He is our Fortress, and He is our Salvation.

And we, too, can boldly proclaim as David does in Psalm 61:8, “Then I will sing in praise of your name.”

Pastor Ken

I read this devotional
The Rock That Is Higher Than I